Get to know TAS Coach: Tara Jones

Get to know TAS Coach: Tara Jones

All of our acting coaches are highly qualified working actors who participate in the Film/TV industry in a variety of ways, in addition to coaching acting classes. But we want to give you a more in-depth look at who they are as people
This month we are sharing some insights that will help answer the question, 
“Who Is Tara Jones?” Read on to find out!

What Makes You Feel Confident?

AUTHENTICITY makes me confident! Being the best version of who I can be puts me in a space of certainty which creates confidence. And if I’m authentically myself, I know that I will mess up! So I give myself grace and patience through the acting process when I don’t get something “right,” or am having difficulty with a script. 

Knowing that I am actively working on my craft every chance I get, also evokes confidence in that I feel free to experiment and take chances with my auditions. Always remembering the love and passion for the art brings me back to why I do this crazy industry, and that is empowering. 

How did you first get into acting?

I was a former broadcast journalist, working all over the country as a reporter and anchor. Once I had my first daughter, I decided to retire from the news world, as it was not very conducive to raising a family. My colleague from WSB-TV told me to go to a local talent agency because I knew how to read a teleprompter, and I could likely get some hosting gigs. I knocked on People Store’s door, and thankfully, they signed me!

I slowly started training as an actor, and moving from hosting, to commercials, to TV/film. I am a story teller at heart, so I fell in love with this new format to tell stories that mattered and could potentially make a difference in our world.

Tara with her daughters 

What has been your biggest struggle in the industry?

Keeping the right mind set! For years I struggled with my self worth being tied to my bookings. It took a lot of mental work to know that I am enough just as I am, and I do not need the industry to validate me for any reason. Once I figured out the formula for that, I was inspired to share it with others, especially acting children and their parents, which is why I started United Child Actors Network. 

How did you tackle it?

Through consistent mind work. Waking up every day and being TRULY grateful for what I have, and not focusing on what I want or don’t have. Creating a world of gratitude transforms your reality, and shifts your thinking from, “I hope I book it!!!”…to “I am so thankful I had the opportunity to show that casting director my talent.” 

I teach and preach authenticity. The more authentic you are, the happier you’ll be, and the bonus is, you’ll likely book more because your auditions become real and grounded…which is exactly what the casting director is looking for! 

You have no control over your audition; all you have is control over is how you prepare and perform. So why would you ever stress over a result you can’t control? 

This industry is a journey. You can act until the day you die. There’s no race to the finish line because there is no finish line. Once you learn to love the craft, and take the stress away from the auditions, and potential outcome of those auditions, is the moment you build a FULFILLED life-long actor. 

I ADORE being able to use my talent to help tell stories, and ultimately make a difference. The world of acting and storytelling is beyond powerful. As I continue my journey through the industry, I hope my passion is felt by each and every person I come in contact with. Because without the passion, what’s the point? If you don’t LOVE acting, you should do something else…anything else, because it will just feel like a lot of work, sacrifice and heartache. But if you LOVE acting, arm yourself with the right mindset and training, then buckle up and enjoy the ride!

Besides acting, do you pursue any other interests in the entertainment industry?

I created United Child Actors Network because I felt a passion to help other parents and children after my own two girls got involved in the industry. I was shocked at the amount of animosity between parents, the jealousy, comparison and competition. I truly believed that these other children were not “competition” for my kids because we’re all different human beings, who bring something unique to the table. 

My girls often got auditions for the same roles, and I used to tell them, “If one of you books over the other, that means the other person didn’t even have a chance because you’re different humans with different essences. Whichever person exemplifies the character more NATURALLY, is the one that will likely book.” That resonated with them and created zero jealousy in our household, even when one sister booked over the other. It also allowed my children to understand authenticity in who they were, and how to see it in other people. This is what I teach to kids and parents through UCAN (United Child Actors Network.) 

Why did you get into coaching?

I started coaching my own children, and they did really well from the on-set, mainly because I was teaching them to be authentic actors. Friends with children in the industry then started asking me to teach and self-tape their kids, too. Once they started booking as well, I realized there must be validity in what I’m teaching.

Moreover, I LOVE instilling confidence in my students. There is nothing better than showing a child that they are enough…and what God/the universe gave them is so uniquely special and needed in this world.

Creatives can be very sensitive and sometimes don’t fit into society’s box. I hope that my teachings can help give young creatives the strength and confidence they need to stand up to anyone that may try to push their uniqueness and talent away.

What is one important bit of advice you always give the students in your class?

Be authentic! There is no one in this world who can play ‘you’ better than ‘you!’ 

You will hear casting directors say over and over again that they are looking for “real and grounded” performances. The more a student can understand who they are and how to lean in to their own natural essences, the more they will book. 

I love giving students an adjective unique to them (like “intellectual”) and then tell them to prepare a script leaning into that adjective/essence. After assigning a different adjective to each student in class, I then have them read the same script to demonstrate the different deliveries from each person. It allows the students to see how unique each audition can be, and how the script can take on a whole new meaning just based on who is reading it. It also provides them insight into what casting director’s see through auditions, and it solidifies that the BEST actor doesn’t always get the job, the most APPROPRIATE actor gets the job. 

What is your proudest coaching moment?

My proudest moments come when one of my students has a breakthrough. I love watching hard work turn into growth. And then watching that growth turn into signings with major agencies, bookings in the form of Marvel movies, series regulars on network TV shows, and leads in movies! It makes me tremendously proud and fulfilled knowing that I had a small part in making that success happen, and their dreams come true. 

Tara teaching classes at TAS!

What do you hope that your coaching legacy will be?

That people use what God/the universe gave them in this world to make it a better place. I consistently tell my students that the world needs what they have been given, so don’t hide it, embrace it and use it for good…especially in the world of acting. If anyone has taken my class, they know I say all the time, “The better the human, the better the actor can be.” 

Tara Jones Bio:

Tara Jones is an Emmy Award winning journalist turned actor. Her deep appreciation and knowledge for the art of television production led her to be a part of countless commercial productions, industrials, network TV shows, and blockbuster films. She has also served as a spokesperson for several Fortune 500 companies and participated in their brand management as a company. 

Tara’s knowledge of both being in front of the camera and behind the scenes has benefited her deep understanding of the “big picture” when it comes to the industry as a whole. Her company, Green Sky Productions, produced numerous commercials and marketing videos, as well as the award winning independent film, “iGirl,” in which Tara was awarded ‘Best Female Filmmaker’ and her daughter, Skylar, was awarded the “Rising Star” award from the New York Independent Film Festival. You can see Tara’s work as an actor on shows such as “MacGyver,” “The Resident,” and movies such as “Need for Speed,” “My Dad’s A Soccer Mom,” “Almost Christmas,” and a new DC Comics movie coming out in 2023!  

Tara has two daughters, both of which are actors. Skylar Morgan Jones has appeared in “Dynasty,” “The Vampire Diaries,” Lifetime’s “Terror in the Woods,” and as the lead in the upcoming movie, “Blood” (Release fall of 2022.) Ariel Jones starred alongside her mother in “The Resident,” and can also be seen in “Your Worst Nightmare,” as well as numerous national commercials, national voiceovers, and a prior YouTube series called “Smooshie Mushies,” with her sister.

Tara loves sharing her knowledge of the industry with those who are just starting out, or simply looking to get ahead. She believes in the power of positivity and preaches that other actors are not competition…the only competition lies within the artist to be the best version of themselves, as a human, and as an actor.  

Would you like to take private lessons with Coach Tara?

Coach Tara teaches private lessons for beginning actors through advanced.

To sign up for a private lesson with Coach Tara, click HERE

Want to keep up with Coach Tara’s latest bookings? Check out her IMDb HERE.

If you would like more information on her organizations: United Child Actor’s Network (UCAN), click HERE.

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Healthy Mindsets for Actors

Healthy Mindsets for Actors

The Power of Positive Thinking.

The film industry is not for the faint of heart, especially when it comes to being an actor.

Taking care of one’s physical, mental, and spiritual health is of the utmost importance in a field like acting that requires so much of each individual. But how can we, practically, take care of ourselves?

A big struggle for many actors is self-doubt.

In this industry, it’s really easy to fall into the comparison game and feel like every other actor around you is doing better than you are at “making it”, so to speak. Social media is a tool to help us promote ourselves, and because of that we are only seeing other people’s highlight reels. It’s easy to look at someone’s page and say “wow, they seem to be working a lot more than I am” without seeing all the hard work they’re doing behind the scenes. We don’t see the bad days that other people have, or the countless times that they auditioned and didn’t book, or even self-submitted never to get the opportunity to audition in the first place. One of the first steps to developing a healthy mindset is removing any obstacles that are preventing you from believing in yourself. Watching how much time you spend online and who you follow is an amazing place to start. When it comes to other actors and online communities, make sure that you’re following only people who encourage you, help you better yourself and your craft, and make you smile with what they’re posting. And remember, if you don’t want to fully unfollow someone to make sure there’s no hard feelings, there is always the “mute” button.

One of our coaches at The Actor’s Scene has opened up about struggling with negative mindsets and comparison in her own practice. Let’s see what Coach Leah Merritt had to say about overcoming those obstacles in her acting career:

“It’s no secret that the acting industry alone can breed some pretty unhealthy mindsets- if left unchecked. There’s a lot of rejection, comparison, and pressure to look/be a certain way that can be really hard to manage for adults, let alone young actors. But at the same time, I’m thankful that I dealt with these challenges early in my life, because it forced me to find my worth and happiness outside of achievements. I learned to talk kindly to myself and have a perspective of joy and gratitude, rather than stress and dejection. Once those unhealthy mindsets faded away, I started having a lot more fun! Not only in acting, but in life. It’s a whole new world when you realize that no one is your competition. We can all be uniquely talented and beautiful and accomplished in whatever way makes US happy!

Also, there can be a lot of comparison and competitive natures in this industry. I think the biggest thing that helped me through those mindsets was actually becoming friends with the actors I thought I was competing with. I realized instead of judgment, I found a welcoming community of artists that just want to be able to share our common struggles and accomplishments.

Do you have people to encourage you on the hard days and celebrate with you on the good days?

Community is a MUST for actors. Find your tribe and love them hard! 

Each actor is a completely unique and distinctive person, so what works for other people might not work for you. Try out these methods and see if any of them help you find a more healthy mindset and positive outlook!

Dr. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist, as well as an author and podcaster, and in a September 2021 podcast titled “The One Mindset That Can Help You Through Any Problem” (LINK), she shares some tips for creating a more powerful mindset.

These are just a few of her awesome ideas from the episode, so be sure to check out her podcast for more tips!

  1. A Sense of Community. As Dr. Leaf says in the episode, “A sense of community helps build hope into the brain and body!”. In a recent TAS TikTok (which you can follow HERE), Coach Kirsten Krehbiel said that her best piece of advice for new actors is to find community. She said “One of the best things that I did and that I think everyone should do is to find an acting family, or an acting community. That way you’re with likeminded people, people who are going to inspire you, help you, support you, and understand. Because even if your family supports you, it’s a very bizarre industry and the more people that can help you, the better it’s going to be.” Here’s a link to that video: TIKTOK 
  2. Living Outside of Social Labels. As actors, it’s easy to feel stuck in your typecast, or the way that casting typically sees you. Don’t feel restricted by your type, just be aware of it. Dr. Leaf says that “People who do not get stuck in labels or the way society tries to define them often have more hope”. In addition to comparison with the types or frequency of roles that we get, there is also a lot of comparison between actors about the amount of training they have had, how their headshots look, how many followers they have, the list goes on. Let’s be clear: there is no “right way” to start or maintain your acting career. As long as you are continuing training, updating your materials to reflect your current career credits and physical appearance, and working to improve your craft individually, you are in the right place.
  3. Knowing What Can Be Controlled. The film industry is unpredictable. Actors have no direct hand in the casting process, which means that there are a lot of factors about auditioning and booking that we cannot control. Instead of fretting over your ratio of auditions to bookings, or comparing your success to other people with similar experience, focus on what you can control. We had a section on our blog, “How Do I Get My Child On Nickelodeon/Disney?” where we talked about goal-setting for actors, and how to focus on goals within an actor’s control. If you’d like to check out that article, you can click HERE. We also had a helpful TikTok on this subject, which you can find HERE. Basically, make your goals tangible. Instead of having goals centered on auditions or booking, which is out of your control, focus on the aspects that you can control! Maybe a goal can be self-submitting for a certain number of projects, trying to hone a new skill like singing (which you can start with the lovely Coach Kate Leek, whose information to book is HERE), or even scheduling a career coaching to evaluate and elevate your submission materials like your headshot, resume, reel, etc! To find a private career coach and schedule a session like that, click HERE. In addition to tangible goals, we also want to focus on our wins along the way! Taking a new class is a win. Getting those headshots or materials updated is a win. Getting the audition is a win. Take the pressure off of yourself to achieve grand career steps that are out of your hands, and focus instead on what you’re actively doing to improve your craft and your skillset. 

You have power over your mind-not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.

We begin the mental health process early; teaching young actors the beauty of their unique quality and appreciation for each other! 

“Here's what I've learned: first, you have to identify the things you can control- keep taking classes and workshops, network at industry events, audition for as many roles as you can. Give 110% to those things. Then, let go of the parts that are out of your control. Once a taping is submitted it's out of your hands- so let go of the anxiety, too!”

Overall, mindset is everything when it comes to acting. Focus on taking care of yourself as a whole person (mind, body, spirit), and your acting will improve with that self care. Make sure you are actively training, whether that be in an in-person class, a virtual class, or a one-on-one private coaching rhythm. To find a place to get plugged in, check out our class offerings HERE, and our private coaching offerings HERE


We’ll leave you with this awesome quote from Dale Carnegie: “Find yourself and be yourself: remember there is no one else on Earth like you.” Take care of yourselves, actors!


Ready to get started? Reach out today!



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About The Author

Molly Pass

Molly Pass is an Atlanta-local actress, acting coach, and wedding videographer who loves to help new and seasoned actors alike find their purpose and passion through performance. She holds her bachelor’s degree in Film and Media Studies from Georgia State University and enjoys discussing movies, shows, and all things new media. Her favorite part of working at The Actor’s Scene is being able to inspire folks to pursue their dreams and helping them to gain confidence in themselves along the way. When she is not acting or working in the digital media realm, she enjoys reading murder mysteries and desperately trying to keep a garden alive. 

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Student Highlight: Sam Salary

Student Highlight: Sam Salary

Get to know TAS student, Sam Salary, of Stranger Things (Netflix) and Preaching Lies (Tubi) !

Periodically The Actor’s Scene likes to reach out to students and chronicle their success in the industry. Case and point: Sam Salary. Here’s what Sam has to say…

Hey Sam! We are so excited to speak with you! Let's start at the beginning, tell us what made you want to become an actor?

I was in my 7th grade English class when I was given the opportunity to audition for my first play, “Melanie and the Trash Can Troll”, and I was the troll! After that, I was bitten by the acting bug.

What drives you to stick with acting?

Acting is where I first felt acceptance. Specifically, I love the discovery process. I feel like a detective trying to solve the case of who my character is.

LOVE the detective analogy! What are some ways you go about discovering your character when preparing for an audition or a day on set?

One way I go about discovering my character is to examine the relationships he has, and how other people feel about him. I like taking a deeper look at the world around him.

Sam playing the Stern Orderly in Season 4 of Stranger Things.

What is something that surprised you about working on a set?

This may sound weird, but I love watching my peers work. I love watching the DP (Director of Photography) or AD (Assistant Director) or other actors work hard trying to get the perfect shot to tell the best story possible.

What are some of your favorite acting moments?

Working on the Stranger Things set was an absolutely amazing experience. The people were so nice and the on-set environment was a pleasure to be a part of.

I'm sure that working on Stranger Things was a blast! Who is your favorite character in the show?

My favorite character on the show is Dustin. I feel like he was me when I was a kid. But behind the scenes I truly enjoyed talking about life and the game of acting with Jamie Bower. Those days and memories I will cherish for the rest of my life.

"The process gives me confidence. Discovering a character is a journey. And I have learned to trust it even when my emotions are not exactly matching."

Tell us Sam, what is the best acting advice you've been given?

That my character, who I am, all the things that make me- and most importantly, how I treat others- is more important than any character I will play. (This is a quote from my mom!).

Has it become easier to trust yourself and your process as you've gotten more experienced? What advice would you have for actors learning how to deal with rejection or doubting themselves?

Yes, though it was a difficult journey, I can say that I know myself. And when you know yourself there’s a good chance you know your worth.  Knowing my worth is how I deal with the rejection. I refuse to place my self-worth in someone saying yes to me or booking a job, when I can just say yes to myself. My advice is to take the time to know your worth.

Great advice! So, do you have any acting projects coming up?

Yes, I do. I’m shooting a movie next month. And I also have 2 projects coming out in 2023!!!

What would be your dream project?

As a kid I was obsessed with the movie Ghostbusters. So yes, I have always wanted to play a Ghostbuster! There is a story behind this, but to make it short, when I was a kid my mother would drive me past the mechanic shop in Kansas City, MO, that had the replica of the Ghostbusters car. And I would go crazy every time I was able to see it just imagining what it would be like to be behind the wheel!

What advice do you have for new actors who are just getting started?

Don’t take yourself too seriously. In my opinion, storytelling is a team process. Do your best to be giving and to serve both the story and your fellow coworkers. Do your best to ask yourself, ‘In what way can I positively add to the environment?’ Free yourself from judgment and know that you are enough.

You can follow Sam!

Check out his:




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Launch your acting career into 2024! The new year has begun which means it’s time for new year’s resolutions, a daunting word that tends to leave most

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A Look at TAS: 2023

2023…What a year!  We want to thank all of our students, their families, our staff, and our partners for making 2023 such a fantastic year.  Check out

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GA’s Film Industry is Thriving

GA’s Film Industry is Thriving

August 2022

Have you heard the news?

GA just set a record breaking year with $4.4 Billion spent on film and television productions! This is great for Georgia actors because it shows that our market is NOT slowing down. Right now, film opportunities abound all over the state! Even through the pandemic, GA saw record breaking numbers in terms of productions and revenue. According to WALB, this year’s figures are up from last year’s record breaking total of $4 billion. They go on to say that, “The state had a total of 412 productions. There were 32 feature films, 36 independent films, 269 television and episodic productions, 42 commercials, and 33 music videos. It’s definitely not uncommon to see (Georgia)’s squares or neighborhoods transformed into sets for TV shows and movies. And anytime projects come into town, it translates into millions of dollars getting pumped into the local economy.” (article HERE)

So, how did we get here? How did we go from pulling just $93 million in 2007 to becoming known as Hollywood’s toughest competitor? It all started in 2008, when then-governor, Sonny Perdue, granted a generous tax incentive for productions of $500,000 or more (this was based on a deal made in 2002, but strengthened in ’08). When you take into consideration the recession that was ravaging America at the time, 20% off was a pretty sweet deal! Not only did we offer great rates, but GA has always shown that it has plenty of other legs to stand on. For one thing, GA officials proved that they were not only on board, but willing to help production companies with their projects.  For instance, the mayor of Senoia who famously allowed the Walking Dead team to shut down streets and entire bridges to make for an authentic product.

Other brag-worthy features that make GA an attractive filming location is our dynamic landscapes, thriving International airport, and communities that span various time periods (which is a big reason why Stranger Things made it’s home here- where else can you find neighborhoods straight out of the 80’s?). Since 2008, Georgia has seen multiple movie and film franchise credits; Hunger Games, Fast and Furious, Ozark and the Marvel Universe, just to name a few. And with each one, we have more firmly established ourselves as “The Hollywood of the South”.

And not to mention, GA is home to some major film studios; Trillith Studios (formerly Pinewood), Turner Studios, Tyler Perry Studios, Blackhall Studios, and more! 

“The last fiscal year was another record-setter for the film industry in Georgia.

Film and television productions spent $4.4 billion in the Peach State in fiscal 2022, which ended June 30, Gov. Brian Kemp announced Monday. That’s up from the previous record of $4 billion set in fiscal 2021.

Georgia hosted 412 productions in the last fiscal year, including 32 feature films, 36 independent films, 269 television and episodic productions, 42 commercials, and 33 music videos, according to the Georgia Film Office, which promotes and markets the industry in the state.  

“When the pandemic struck, we worked hard in Georgia to communicate with our partners in the Georgia film, TV, and streaming industries,” Kemp said.

“Together, we forged a safe and appropriate path to allow the film industry to return to operations and deliver Georgia Made productions to eager consumers all around the world – even when some states continued to stay shut down and stifle the industry’s return to normalcy.”

Credit: Reporters Newspapers

“Because Georgia was the first state in the country to re-open our economy and worked with film productions across the state to ensure they could safely continue operations, the Peach State’s film industry is leading the nation,”

Here's what is filming in GA right now!

  • Idea of You. Starring Anne Hathaway
  • Megalopolis. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola and starring Adam Driver, Jon Voight and more!
  • Blade, a Disney production. Stars Mahershala Ali
  • Pain Hustlers. Starring Emily Blunt
  • The Electric State. Starring Millie Bobby Brown
  • The Color Purple: The Musical. Produced by Oprah Winfrey. Starring Ciara, Fantasia Taylor, and more! 

Have you spotted any filming around Atlanta? 

So, how can you be a part of the excitement?

Ready to jump into the action? Now is the perfect time. Zig Ziglar famously said, “Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation” So what are you doing to prepare?

Now is the time to jump into classes. Acting students spend their time:

  • Learning about the latest news and expectations of the film industry.
  • Find out what casting looks for in an audition, and how to stand out from the crowd. 
  • How to get an agent and maintain good agent relations.
  • How to be proactive in your acting career to build your resume and skills.
  • On-set etiquette

And much, much more! You do not have to go on this journey alone. Make sure that you partner with a team that will provide you with knowledge, training and ongoing feedback to help you identify and achieve your dreams.

Face it, there has never been a better time to be an actor in GA. The whole world is coming to us to make the most talked-about productions. Don’t get left behind!

Ready to get started? Reach out today!



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About The Author

Elizabeth Alcaraz

Elizabeth has been a member of the TAS family since 2004. She is honored to have served in many roles at TAS; including: Acting Coach, Marketing Director, Syllabus Coordinator, and now TAS Operations Director. She has a passion for building confidence and purpose through the arts, and is grateful to be a part of a team of Confidence Makers. Elizabeth finds her greatest joy in her faith, her husband, and her daughter (and to be honest- a bowl of creamy mac and cheese). She lives by a simple motto which has served her well over the years: Aim for Excellence, Work with Flexibility, Reflect with Grace. 

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Launch your acting career into 2024! The new year has begun which means it’s time for new year’s resolutions, a daunting word that tends to leave most

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A Look at TAS: 2023

2023…What a year!  We want to thank all of our students, their families, our staff, and our partners for making 2023 such a fantastic year.  Check out

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Get to know TAS Coach: Kate Leek

Get to know TAS Coach: Kate Leek

All of our acting coaches are highly qualified working actors who participate in the Film/TV industry in a variety of ways, in addition to coaching acting classes. But we want to give you a more in-depth look at who they are as people
This month we are sharing some insights that will help answer the question, 
“Who Is Kate Leek?” Read on to find out!

What Makes You Feel Confident?

I feel most confident when I learn something new. I get embarrassingly excited about
knowledge and being able to share that makes me feel empowered. That, and high

How did you first get into acting?

My mother always had a passion for musical theater and she passed this passion onto
me. I soon fell in love with movies and would insert my own dialogue into films so I could
pretend I was a character. I was absolutely obsessed with Lord of the Rings as a kid and
I wanted to be a character in that world more than anything. When my parents asked me

what I wanted for my eighth birthday I replied, “an agent”. I started lessons at The
Actor’s Scene soon after and the rest was history.

Kate with family

What has been your biggest struggle in the industry?

When I was younger and living in Los Angeles with my mom, I missed my family terribly.
As a kid, it was difficult to choose between chasing my dream and being apart from
them. There was no video chat at the time so it was easy to feel disconnected. As I got
older and decided that my true passion was coaching, it was a little tricky to make the
shift into a new position. Having to explain my preferred role in the industry to all of those
who supported me through my acting career was a bit of a struggle, but ultimately, my
loved ones and representation supported it. It was the best decision I ever made. I love
coaching actors so much and although I love performing for myself, I find true happiness
in being a coach.

How did you tackle it?

It is important to always stay true to yourself. As a kid, I decided to come home to the
Atlanta market. It simply wasn’t worth being away from my family. As for the professional
shift, I studied the works of many successful acting coaches and used my knowledge as
a performer to become excellent at what I do. Even today, I am always continuing to
educate myself so I can best benefit the actors I work with. I feel validated by the
progress I see in my students every day and that just confirms that I made the right move.

Acting is the ultimate exercise in empathy. As actors, we have the honor of recreating life. I always encourage my students to tap into the details that make us human so they can do their characters justice. Empathetic practice yields genuine performance and in doing so, we exercise self-discovery.

Besides acting, do you pursue any other interests in the entertainment industry?

I have dabbled in producing with some of my friends who are filmmakers and I have
published a research thesis through Georgia State University entitled “Drama Therapy: A
Character Analysis of the Self”. I am very proud of the year-long research that went into
my written experience as a coach and the emotional healing I witnessed in my students
through their acting journeys.

Why did you get into coaching?

When I was sixteen and I had just started college. I was working in admin for a talent
development company. I would travel for work and there was this one weekend where
our acting coach missed their flight and because of my performance background, I was
asked to fill in. I was nervous. I was young and I had a serious case of imposter
syndrome. When I taught that first class, I felt invigorated. I was so proud of each
performer and they improved so much in such a short amount of time. I remember
thinking, “Wow, I think I am pretty great at this”. Based on the feedback from the
students, the company hired me on as a coach. I traveled for three more years with the
company and coached thousands of actors all across the United States before taking a
full time position at a local Atlanta studio.

What is one important bit of advice you always give the students in your class?

Acting is the ultimate exercise in empathy. As actors, we have the honor of recreating
life. I always encourage my students to tap into the details that make us human so they
can do their characters justice. Empathetic practice yields genuine performance and in
doing so, we exercise self-discovery.

What is your proudest coaching moment?

It is hard to pick just one because over the years, I have been blessed with truly magical
moments in my classes. That said, there is a student that has always had a special
place in my heart. When she was a teenager, she was going through a really tough time.
She almost quit and I am so glad she didn’t. We spoke together and I gave her a script
that was almost identical to what she was going through. At first, she didn’t want to do
the scene so I told her we could pick another one, and we did. She came back to class
the next week and said she decided to do the original script. She gave the most raw and
honest performance I have seen to this day. I cried, which, if you know me, you know is
a rare occurrence. I will never forget what she said next. She said, “feeling someone
else’s pain allowed me to heal from my own”. That is probably one of my proudest
moments as a coach.

Kate in a Spotify Commercial

What do you hope that your coaching legacy will be?

I just hope that my students feel a fraction of the pride I feel when I see them succeed. I
am a huge advocate for drama therapy. I have seen the performing arts function as a
platform for healing, confidence, self-actualization, and flat out fun. I aspire to be a coach
that caters to the individual needs of each student I cross paths with.

Kate Leek Bio:

Kate Leek has been working in the entertainment industry for nearly twenty
years. She has worked and trained as an actor, singer and dancer in the
Southeast, Los Angeles, and New York markets. Kate began her performance journey at the Actor’s Scene when she was eight years old and her endeavor as a performer led her to her true passion for coaching.
She has been coaching actors, singers, and dancers for ten years. Kate feels
such pride and joy from her client’s successes. Some notable projects her
clients have appeared in include, “Stranger Things”, “The Vampire Diaries”,
“Dear Evan Hanson”, “The Summer I Turned Pretty”, “Salem”, “XO, Kitty”, as
well as starring as Simba in the Broadway tour of “The Lion King”.
Kate has her BA in Anthropology from Georgia State University where she
conducted a research project and published a thesis about Drama Therapy,
particularly in adolescents. It is her belief that the performing arts not only
serve as an artistic outlet, but as a form of healing and growth that nourishes
our minds. Her passion for educating actors is evident in her detailed
approach that specifically caters to each individual performer.
In addition to this, she is a mother to a two-year-old boy and is currently
obtaining her degree as a registered respiratory therapist.


Would you like to take classes with Coach Kate?

In addition to a variety of private coaching appointments and singing lessons, you will find her teaching our Foundations, Improv, and Working Actor classes. 

To sign up for a class with Coach Kate, give us a call at:


To sign up for a private lesson with Coach Kate, click HERE

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Student Highlight: Jordyn McIntosh

Student Highlight: Jordyn McIntosh

Get to know TAS student, Jordyn McIntosh, and hear about her recent success!

Periodically The Actor’s Scene likes to reach out to students and chronicle their success in the industry. Case and point: Jordyn McIntosh. Here’s what Jordyn has to say…

Hey Jordyn! We are so excited to speak with you! Let's start at the beginning, tell us what made you want to become an actress.

I was getting into trouble at school with not being able to stay focused in class and being a distraction to others. One of my teachers suggested that I channel that energy into something like theater/acting as it would give me the opportunity to settle myself and refocus my thoughts. I took up some workshops and short classes at a local theater and fell in love.

What drives you to stick with acting?

I get to meet new people (some cool famous ones too!), have fun while on set, and I also get to try new things. I enjoy getting the chance to play different roles and use my improv skills learned at TAS when the camera is rolling.

Jordyn playing the role of Maya in ‘The Storied Life of AJ Fikry’.

What is something that surprised you about working on a set?

I was surprised at how big the inside of the sound stages are. And how much detail goes into building/making it look so realistic. It made me feel like I was really in that scene.  

What are some of your favorite acting moments?

In my new series, while shooting the Pilot, I was supposed to act frustrated. While I was doing that, one of my earrings fell out and it was hilarious. I was throwing up and my hands and knocked it out of my ear.

That is too funny! How did you get back into character after something silly happened on set?

 I calmed down by breathing, closing my eyes and bringing back my character to the set.

"I had the chance to work with the lead actress in my new series (can’t wait to share!), and we shared a scene together that the director wanted to see me acting sad. She whispered to me to "close my eyes and to make yourself feel like you are sinking into the seat. Allow the weight to make your face feel heavy/gloomy, like quicksand."

Tell us Jordyn, what makes you feel confident?

When I am done practicing my lines, I anticipate the feedback and any notes provided to help me get better. I am always proud of my delivery but the notes help me improve and I feel so confident that the scene is better.  

That is awesome, Jordyn! What is one of the most helpful notes you have received from a director, coach, or casting director that has stuck with you?

In my new series coming out, I had a scene with the lead character that need to be more sad. She told me to close my eyes and allow myself to fell heavy. To imagine something weighing me down. Allow my eyes to feel heavy. And when I opened my eyes, it transformed that scene. 

Do you have any acting projects coming up?

Emancipation starring Will Smith has been postponed to 2023. The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry film starring Kunal Nayyar and Lucy Hale due to release in fall of 2022. New Hulu series due to release in fall of 2022, more details to come!

Jordyn playing the role of young Sasha Obama in ‘The First Lady’.

What would be your dream project?

I would love to be a part of a Harry Potter remake or get the chance to work Emma Watson on any project would just be awesome!

Of all the cool elements of Harry Potter, what would be your favorite part of going to Hogwarts if you could go in real life?

I would love to actually play Quidditch. I would be able to fly a broom and catch the golden snitch. It looks so fun in the movies, like, why not!?

IMG_4111 (1)

Parent's Corner

We are very honored to hear from Jordyn's parents, Kyle and Ashley McIntosh! They have some great advice for the parents of child actors, and we are thankful for their insight. Read on to hear what they have to say.

Hey Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh! Thank you for taking the time to speak to us! What advice do you have for parents of new young actors just getting started?

DO YOUR HOMEWORK. I cannot stress enough the importance of doing your research on any CD, Director, production, acronym, acting jargon, event, acting school/classes or manager. There is so much information out there that simply is not written in a “How-To” book for parents with young actors. Follow various CD’s/production company’s/acting tip pages on social media to have unlimited access to resources and build your network. 

Is there any system that you have found to be especially helpful?

We learned early on to not compare success of other actors to Jordyn’s…it will absolutely stress you out wondering if your kid is doing well compared to others. What is for her is for her, and it will come when it comes. Patience has rewarded Jordyn with really cool opportunities. 

I'm sure that that's easier said than done! What tips do you have for other parents looking to avoid the comparison game in the industry?

We have quickly learned (and listened) that selection for roles is based on so many variable factors that you simply cannot isolate to just one. Someone could have the look, skill, availability, geographic location, agent, etc. You simply cannot stress the unknowns. Continue to train, continue to learn, and knock out every audition with intention!

Tell us what makes it all worth it? Why do you keep going, even when things get hard?

It’s one of the most satisfying things to get that “You booked it!” email from your agent/manager and to see your child’s reaction to their hard work paying off. It is just as rewarding when you can tell they are on set having the times of their lives enjoying their moments and feeling a sense of accomplishment when they deliver their lines beautifully. 

You can follow Jordyn!

Check out her:



Actor’s Access Profile

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2023…What a year!  We want to thank all of our students, their families, our staff, and our partners for making 2023 such a fantastic year.  Check out

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The Value of a Good Acting Coach

The Value of a Good Acting Coach

Who do you have in your corner?

Are Acting Coaches Still Relevant?

There is no denying that we live in an era of instant information and detached social communities. While there are many benefits to our fast paced society, there are also a lot of important needs that can get overlooked. With smart phones, actors today can easily find a wealth of knowledge right at the tips of their fingers. But are these fast and free resources enough to help an actor succeed? The answer is simple: NO.

While we encourage actors to locate and follow free, legitimate, online resources (such as the ones that we provide our students on our free Resource Center), nothing takes the place of a professional acting coach and a community.

Classrooms settings allow actors the opportunity to learn new skills from an experienced teacher, receive ongoing feedback, make sure their tools (such as their resume, demo reel, headshots, etc.) are up to date and attractive to industry reps, receive encouragement, and make connections from other actors in the local community.

But there is another element of coaching that can be vastly underrated. And that element is MENTORSHIP.

In fact, there are some reading this that may not even know what a mentor is!

So let us break it down for you:

MENTOR: An Experienced And Trusted Advisor

A mentor may share with a protégé (or student) information about his or her own career path, as well as provide guidance, motivation, emotional support, and role modeling. A mentor may help with exploring careers, setting goals, developing contacts, and identifying resources.

Credit Source:

Attending a Showcase gives actors the opportunity to be seen by multiple agents, and other VIP’s, at the same time!

You can read all the books, watch all the movies, search out all the tips that Youtube has to offer, and you will still not even come close to the value of having a professional coach on your side.

In fact, if you think about the most epic adventure stories you will realize that the ending would be very different without the aid of a mentor. Where would Harry be without Dumbledore? Where would Frodo be without Gandalf? Luke without Yoda? Daniel without Mr. Miyagi?

Yes, these stories are fiction, but they touch on something that each of us know we need and crave: Connection. We cannot do it alone. We need guidance, we need wisdom, we need someone who can challenge us and help us rise up to meet our potential. We need someone to partner with us and comb through the multitude of options and opportunities to make the right choice.

At The Actor’s Scene, we have built our entire business on this model. We don’t just offer classes- but a whole host of options for working actors to identify and achieve their dreams. What does that look like?

  • A broad range of dynamic programs catered to every skill level.
  • Seminars and training opportunities for new actors to become more knowledgeable about the film industry.
  • A variety of private lesson options.
  • Professional and audition taping services.
  • A free Resource Center with articles and videos to enhance learning at every level
  • VIP showcase with opportunities to book work or sign with an agent/manager!

A mentor EMPOWERS a person to see a possible future, and BELIEVE it can be obtained.

So What Does Mentorship Look Like at TAS?

It looks like:

-Having a coach that listens to your goals and helps you see a clear path to attain them.

-Having someone that is willing to share their experiences and years’ worth of lessons with you.

-Having a clearly laid out lesson plan that is formulated to help you get the most out of your studies. 

-Having someone provide clear, personalized, feedback in an uplifting and positive way. 

-Having a coach that can identify the factors holding you back and give you the tools needed to break free.

-Having someone who can provide you with empowering resources and a network of like-minded individuals.

-Having someone encourage and inspire you through the many ups and downs of your journey.

-Having someone celebrate your every success.

Your career is too important to walk out alone.

Acting Class is a great place to learn new skills and industry terms from a working professional

Make Sure You Find The Right Coach And Invite Them Into Your Story.

Here is what our students are saying:

“Before I used to do it on my own, but now I’m with The Actor’s Scene and my coach, and they motivate me. Now I have my goals set and a clear pathway. I get constructive criticism, which I never got when I was on my own. But when I get a critique from my coach it helps me so much more!” -Samira Bello

“I’ve gained confidence with acting. Before I knew I wanted to act but didn’t know where to start or what to do with it. But with your help I understand better, and I now know what I want to do.” -Ella Lavi

“This class has stretched (my daughter’s) skills. It gave her a lot of the foundation and background she uses in her acting. Not in a simple way, but really the nuts and bolts we needed.”-Terry Franz

“I was very nervous when I first started (taking classes) because everything was so new to me, but my coach was so encouraging and helpful all throughout the class. She really took the effort to look at me specifically and what I was doing well, and if I needed to improve on something, she would lovingly point it out and help me get better by practical exercises. Also, she is just a genuinely kind-hearted person. I have had to miss a few classes because of personal struggles, and she cared for me on a personal level”. -Miriam Motz

“My end-of-the-year shout out is to my coach. He was great and taught me a lot of helpful things, as well as helped to develop me as a speaker and an actor. Coming out of the class, I know a lot more about the business side of acting, how set up for a taped audition and how to execute a character better than I did before going in to the class. Also it was very fun having him as a teacher and I’m very glad I got to work with him.” –Connor Hayes

Ready to get started? Reach out today!



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About The Author

Elizabeth Alcaraz

Elizabeth has been a member of the TAS family since 2004. She is honored to have served in many roles at TAS; including: Acting Coach, Marketing Director, Syllabus Coordinator, and now TAS Operations Director. She has a passion for building confidence and purpose through the arts, and is grateful to be a part of a team of Confidence Makers. Elizabeth finds her greatest joy in her faith, her husband, and her daughter (and to be honest- a bowl of creamy mac and cheese). She lives by a simple motto which has served her well over the years: Aim for Excellence, Work with Flexibility, Reflect with Grace. 

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Launch your acting career into 2024! The new year has begun which means it’s time for new year’s resolutions, a daunting word that tends to leave most

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A Look at TAS: 2023

2023…What a year!  We want to thank all of our students, their families, our staff, and our partners for making 2023 such a fantastic year.  Check out

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How Do I Get An Agent?

How Do I Get An Agent?

Do I need a Manager? Which one is ‘right’ for me?

Let's Talk About Representation: AKA Agents and Managers

First off, what is the role of an agent and a manager? Before we get into how you can attain representation it is important for you to know what it means- and what it doesn’t mean. Later, we’ll talk about cold-submitting to agencies and management companies. And how TAS can hook you up with an awesome networking opportunity where you’ll get to be seen by agents and managers alike, not only in the Southeast market but in Los Angeles, New York, and all over the country! So let’s get into it…

First And Foremost, What Does An Agent Or Manager Do?

While there are a few differences between the specific roles of an agent and a manager, for the most part, they have the same goal: to connect actors with casting opportunities. Agents and managers build their roster of clients based on what they need at that point in time. For instance, if an agency has 30 people who fit within your “type” (AKA what types of roles you’re auditioning for), they might not want to add you to the roster. This is important to remember because it can feel disheartening sometimes when applying to agencies and not hearing anything back. A lot of the time, the rejection has nothing to do with you and everything to do with what that particular representative is looking for at that time!

Attending a Showcase gives actors the opportunity to be seen by multiple agents, and other VIP’s, at the same time!

So taking it back to the basics, your representative’s (whether that be an agent or a manager) goal is to find auditions for their folks. Once your agent finds an audition you’re right for, they’ll submit you to casting with your headshot and resume. After that, if casting wants to see you audition, your agent will give you the information and help you with any questions or difficulties along the way! Agents and managers also help to negotiate contracts and handle the business side of acting for their clients, ensuring things like fair contracts, making sure you get paid and helping to facilitate travel and other accommodations with the production team.

For the most part, managers are going to be more hands-on than agents. They are more focused on assisting with your career as a whole (in addition to providing you with audition opportunities). Because of this, managers often have fewer clients than agents and therefore can put more individual focus on each actor. When deciding to sign with an agent or manager, make sure that they are a good fit for you! Different agents and managers are going to have different priorities and levels of contact with the actor. Make sure that in your meetings with your potential representation you’re asking any questions you have and ensuring that this partnership is what suits you both best. If you’re confused about the agent meeting process and/or what questions to ask, you can always schedule a Career Coaching session with us HERE!

Having an agent or manager means you have another person (or group of people) on your team. And having a team is awesome. It means that you can work together to achieve one common goal. Remember if you’re successful as an actor, so are they. It’s a great partnership.

Don't Get Scammed...

Because your agent and/or manager (yes, you can have both!) are focused on getting their clients auditions, they make money when you make money. So, if you ever encounter an agency that makes you pay to sign or guarantees booking if you sign with them, that is a scam. Real agents and managers collect a percentage of what you earn from your bookings.

It’s unfortunate that we have to talk about this, but new actors are often the target of scammers. Make sure that when you’re researching agents and managers and working through the submission process, you have a coach or industry professional helping to guide you along the way. Private Career Coaching is a great way to chat out your options before getting locked into a contract. To find a coach who can help you with this next step, schedule HERE.

There are a couple of different types of agencies out there, and the difference is mainly in the size of the client list that they have.

For instance:

  • Boutique agencies are the smallest, these agencies have a select client list so they can be more hands-on with their actors.
  • Bi-coastal agencies, as the name implies, have offices in different markets, for example, an agent might have an Atlanta office and an LA office.
  • Midsize Corporate, this is bigger than a boutique agency and they might carry some bigger names in film, TV, and theatre.
  • Corporate, this is the biggest agency size and they work beyond acting to negotiate distribution, work with international markets, and branding.

(Do Actors Need an Agent, a Manager, or Both? | Backstage)

Your agent is a friend to help you navigate the industry

So What Can You Do?

Now that you know the difference between agents and managers, and know how to avoid scams, let’s go back to the original question…How do you get an agent?

First, let’s talk about submitting to representation. This process is actually easier than it seems, as most agents and managers who are accepting submissions have detailed instructions on their website of what information they want to be sent in and the method of sending that they prefer. For example, some agencies might prefer email over old-school mail. Make sure you are doing your research on agencies before applying, and that you’ve carefully looked over what their submission requirements are. If you’re not seeing a “Submissions” or “New Talent” tab on their website, chances are they aren’t looking for new talent right now. So be respectful if that’s the case and only apply to agencies who are accepting new faces!

Now, in the beginning, we mentioned that The Actor’s Scene can help you out in your search for an agent or manager. On the edge of your seat? At the end of our 32-week On-Camera based programs, we have a showcase where we invite industry professionals from all over the country to watch our students perform. This includes casting directors, production companies, and of course agents and managers. While we don’t guarantee representation, the TAS showcase has had a 97+% callback rate the last 6 years, meaning that many of our students met with and even ended up signing contracts with an agent or manager at the end of their class. It is super important that if you are looking to gain representation you are taking classes and plugged into a studio. Showcase is a natural next step for our beginner students who start with our On-Camera Foundations class, as they get to be seen by agents and managers after completing our 8-month program and learning about the basic acting tools, commercial technique, character building, and even working with scripts! All classes get to participate in the showcase, so no matter what level you are at, we can offer training and advice in addition to this amazing networking opportunity! Don’t miss out if you’re looking to get started in the Atlanta film and TV industry.

Ready to get started? Reach out today!



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About The Author

Molly Pass

Molly Pass is an Atlanta-local actress, acting coach, and wedding videographer who loves to help new and seasoned actors alike find their purpose and passion through performance. She holds her bachelor’s degree in Film and Media Studies from Georgia State University and enjoys discussing movies, shows, and all things new media. Her favorite part of working at The Actor’s Scene is being able to inspire folks to pursue their dreams and helping them to gain confidence in themselves along the way. When she is not acting or working in the digital media realm, she enjoys reading murder mysteries and desperately trying to keep a garden alive. 

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Launch your acting career into 2024! The new year has begun which means it’s time for new year’s resolutions, a daunting word that tends to leave most

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2023…What a year!  We want to thank all of our students, their families, our staff, and our partners for making 2023 such a fantastic year.  Check out

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How Do I Get My Child On Nickelodeon or Disney?

How Do I Get My Child On Nickelodeon or Disney?

Is it really possible?

One Of The Top Asked Questions Is...

Hello there! If you’ve reached our TAS blog, you or your child might be interested in pursuing a career on Nickelodeon or Disney. If so, you’re not alone. In fact, questions regarding these specific networks make up a majority of our inquiries! That is awesome, but there are some important things to keep in mind. When it comes to making specific career goals for big networks, like Disney or Nickelodeon, there is some good news and some bad news. The “bad” news, first, is that both of these companies follow standard casting procedures. This means that any studio or person guaranteeing to give you opportunities for roles on these networks is likely scamming you.

First, let’s walk through how the standard casting process works, and then let’s chat about how you can increase your chances of being considered for roles on Disney or Nick.

Part One: How Does The Casting Process Work?

Casting is a multi-step process that has a couple of key players. The Casting Director is the person who presents the people in charge, that could be a Producer, Director, or Showrunner, for instance, with a narrowed down selection of people to be considered for a part. So here’s how the process works. When a director or producer needs to cast actors for particular roles, they reach out to the casting director with a breakdown of what they’re looking for. The breakdown typically has a physical description of the character as well as a description of their personality so that casting can select a group of actors who best fit what the decision-makers are looking for.

Casting will then ask Agents or Managers for actors who fit the description, and the agent or manager will send in headshots (professional industry photos) of the actors they want to be considered to the casting director. Sometimes, the casting director will post the breakdown on casting websites such as Actor’s Access, where actors who do not have representation can submit themselves for parts. Then, the casting director will narrow it down by selecting the photos of the people they think most clearly work for the particular character and will tell the agent or manager to ask those particular actors to audition (or in the case of a self-submitted headshot, casting will directly ask those actors to audition via email). After the initial audition, casting narrows it down by performance quality and might even hold a callback or two to further reduce the size of the list. Once they have made their final cuts, the casting director will present the director or producer with a smaller group of actors to choose from, and the people in charge will select the actor they want for the role.

All dreams start in the audition room. Are you prepared to audition for your dream role when it comes along?

Part Two: Goal Setting for Actors - What Can YOU Control?

What does this mean for actors? As you can see, the actor doesn’t have much autonomy in the casting process, which means that we can’t base our industry goals on bookings or even the amount of auditions that we get. Because of this, actors should focus on goals within their control, such as:

  • Taking a new class that you know will challenge you
  • Working with a private one-on-one coach to help you work on a particular skill or acting method
  • Working on building your submission packet by building your resume and getting nice, professional headshots
  • Leveling up your self-tape setup or finding a studio to tape your auditions at
  • Submitting regularly for roles you fit the description of

Goal #1: Taking Classes

Whether you’re a brand-new actor or someone who’s been in the industry for a while, training is the most important investment an actor can make. You want to make sure that you are constantly expanding and up-leveling your toolkit as an actor, and that includes skills and techniques that you can work on in a group class or with a private instructor. Taking classes is a big key to growing in your acting journey. For beginners at The Actor’s Scene, we recommend our On-Camera Foundations class, which runs from August-May and can be taken either online via Zoom or in person at our Buford, Georgia location. In this class, students of all ages will learn acting basics such as the four acting tools, commercial techniques, how to create characters, and get to work with scripts!

If you’ve been working in the industry and want more of a focus on auditioning and on-set etiquette, we recommend our Working Actor program: The Taped Audition and Script & Set Study, which is a two-part course designed to help actors feel more confident in their self-tape game, and know exactly what to do on set.

If you’re an advanced actor with many years of industry experience, we offer Meisner and Beyond, a deep dive into classical techniques with the goal of maximizing an actor’s technique and guide them into building an acting brand. 

For more information about about our various acting programs, please click HERE. You can also give our friendly office staff a call and they will assist you in finding the perfect fit. 

Goal #2: Working With A Private Coach

A great way to get personalized training that is customized exactly to what you need is to work with a private coach! Our private coaches at The Actor’s Scene offer a couple of different one-on-one options. You can get this individualized instruction in-studio at our Buford location, OR online! Click HERE for more info.

We have:

The New Actor Bootcamp– If you or your child is just getting started with film acting, we offer the New Actor Bootcamp which is a 3 hour-long session with one of our awesome acting coaches who walk you through the very basics of the Atlanta film industry and how to get started on your acting journey! This time is customized to you/your child and the coach will meet you exactly where you are, answering any questions you may have along the way.

Career Coaching– If you feel stuck at where you are with your acting career, you can sit down with a coach to help you figure out the next right step. The coach can work with you to figure out what’s going well, what you need to work on, and how to set and reach your industry goals!

Skill Building (General) Private Lessons- If there’s a particular skill or technique that you or your student need more help with, working with a private coach is a great way to have individualized instruction that works at your pace to help you improve! Another bonus of regular private lessons is having a go-to person for all your industry questions since you’ll see your coach on a regular basis.

And we now offer Vocal Private Lessons! 

For more information and/or to schedule your private coaching session, click HERE.

Even in my dreams of being an actor, my dream was not in the celebrity. My dream was in the work that I wanted to do.

Goal #3: Build Up Your Submission Materials

Whether you’re looking to get plugged into an agency/management company or you’re hoping to start auditioning for projects to gain industry experience first, you need to make sure you have great headshots and a resume. Even if your resume so far is just your training, that is totally okay! Headshots and a resume are the materials that casting gets to see when they decide whether or not they would like for you to audition for a part. This is why making sure our headshots and resumes look super professional is so important! If you need help crafting your resume or want feedback on which headshots to use on your profiles (or even need help setting up your profiles on casting websites such as Actor’s Access and Backstage), you can schedule a Career Coaching Session HERE.

Goal #4: Level Up Your Self Tape Setup And Find A Studio To Tape At.

Ideally, all of your auditions will be taped in a studio space such as the awesome audition taping studio we have at The Actor’s Scene. However, we know that auditions can come in at short notice, the taping room might be full on the day/time that you need it, and at the end of the day, a lot of folks are looking to save money when it comes to auditioning, since the booking is not guaranteed. This is why having a good self-tape setup at home is super necessary!

Here are the things to prioritize in your self-tape setup:

-A Camera With A Tripod (even if it’s a phone!): You read that right. As long as your smartphone records in at least 720p, you should be able to use it for filming! No need to buy an expensive camera if you already have one in your back pocket. You can buy a special tripod to hold your phone too, like THIS ONE from Amazon. Just make sure if you’re using your phone that you are shooting horizontally, not vertically.

-Good Lighting: Casting needs to be able to SEE you and your awesome performance. Umbrella lights are a great, user-friendly way to have professional quality lighting in your home.

-Good Audio Quality: Just like the second point, casting also needs to HEAR your performance and your lines! If you’re recording at home, make sure there is no additional noise in the house. Let your dog play in the backyard, warn your roommates and/or family, and make sure that there is no distracting background noise on your tape.

-A Plain, Solid Backdrop: Whether it’s a blank wall, a sheet you attached to the wall with push pins, or a professional-quality backdrop with a stand, we want your background to be plain and non-distracting. Gray is a great color that compliments all skin tones!

If you aren’t able to tape at home or you just want some professional coaching along with an industry-standard, beautiful audition tape, book an audition taping appointment with us HERE.

Goal #5: Submit Yourself!

As long as you have your headshots, resume, and accounts on casting websites such as Actors Access, Backstage, and Casting Networks, you’re able to submit yourself for projects! Lower budget projects such as student films and unpaid shorts are a great way for new actors to get experience, resume builders, as well as clips for a demo reel! You can also submit yourself for projects like feature films, commercials, and/or television shows. If you’d like help navigating the world of self-submissions and at-home auditions, you can book a Career Coaching session, virtually or in-person, HERE.

You are not alone! By partnering with an acting coach you are investing in your journey.

In Conclusion...

In conclusion, we can’t guarantee that you’ll make it big on Nickelodeon or Disney Channel. But we want you to know that you can achieve industry success by making tangible goals for yourself and following through with them! We hope that you feel more confident in taking the next right step in your acting journey. 

Ready to get started? Reach out today!



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About The Author

Molly Pass

Molly Pass is an Atlanta-local actress, acting coach, and wedding videographer who loves to help new and seasoned actors alike find their purpose and passion through performance. She holds her bachelor’s degree in Film and Media Studies from Georgia State University and enjoys discussing movies, shows, and all things new media. Her favorite part of working at The Actor’s Scene is being able to inspire folks to pursue their dreams and helping them to gain confidence in themselves along the way. When she is not acting or working in the digital media realm, she enjoys reading murder mysteries and desperately trying to keep a garden alive. 

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How Do I Become An Actor?

How Do I Become An Actor?

5 Easy Steps That Anyone Can Do To Start Their Acting Journey

If You’re Looking To Get Started...

As an actor in the film and TV industry, you’re in the right place. The Actor’s Scene, located in the greater Atlanta area, is a studio for newbies and seasoned pros alike! We believe that ANYONE can jump into the industry as long as you have patience and a great work ethic! You might be thinking “That’s great, but I don’t know the first thing about getting started in the industry”, and that’s where we come in.

Step One: Start Training

No matter how long they’ve been at it, actors are constantly training to improve their skill sets. So you’re probably already guessing it, but becoming an actor starts with training. Yes, there are steps further down the line, such as getting headshots and a resume and an agent, but everything starts with taking classes or getting a private coach.

For beginners, we recommend our On-Camera Foundations class, a 32-week course offered from August-May which can be taken online or in-studio at our Buford, Georgia location. Starting with a course such as On-Camera Foundations will help you get introduced to the world of on-camera acting. You’ll learn about the basic acting tools, how to build a character, commercial acting techniques, how to work with a script, and more! And an amazing component of our 32-week classes is the end-of-year showcase, which gives students the opportunity to perform for industry VIPs such as agents, managers, casting directors, and local production offices. Not only will you get 32 weeks of training from a working industry professional, but in the end, you will be able to make connections with other VIPs that can help you get to your next career step!


So if you want to become an actor, step one is training.

Step Two: Get Professional Headshots.

What’s next? After signing up for a class and getting plugged into a studio that believes in you, step two is getting professional headshots. Why are headshots important, and what do they look like? Well, headshots are what casting sees to decide whether or not they want to have you audition for a role. Whether you are submitting yourself for a role or having an agent or manager submit on your behalf, casting needs to see what you look like to decide whether or not they’d like to see you read for a particular role. Above are some awesome headshot examples from some of our TAS students and alumni!

Professional headshots should look LIKE YOU. We don’t want a super glammed-up version of you, casting wants to see what you actually look like so that they can decide whether or not they can see you in a certain type of role. There are many amazing local headshot photographers in the Atlanta area. One of the headshot artists we recommend is Michael Justice at Hollywood Headshots!

No matter who you go with, you want headshots that:

-Look like you

-Are well-lit/professional quality

-Have YOU as the central focus with the background blurred out

This will help ensure that your headshots are accurate to what you look like now, and will give casting an idea of what roles they can ask you to audition for.

I say luck is when opportunity comes along and you are prepared for it.

Step Three: Build Your Resume.

Alrighty, now you are taking classes and you have awesome headshots. The next step is to create a profile on a casting website such as Actor’s Access or Backstage. Believe it or not, you don’t need an agent to submit for projects, especially smaller budget shoots like student films! Student films and unpaid shorts are an awesome way to build up your resume before applying to agencies or management. So the natural next step after training and having awesome, professional photos is to build up your resume. Applying to and auditioning for smaller projects is a great way to gain on-set experience, further work on your craft, and get resume credits/demo reel footage. Your demo reel is an edited video containing clips from projects you’ve worked on, so for example you could have a scene from a short film you were in be a part of your reel!

If you need help setting up your profiles, submitting for roles, or crafting your resume, we offer private, personalized Career Coaching at The Actor’s Scene! Click this LINK to learn more and book your one-on-one session with one of our amazing industry pros!

You are not alone on your acting journey! Partner with your acting coach to achieve success.

Step Four: Submit for Representation.

This step doesn’t have to be hard! If you’re enrolled in a class at The Actor’s Scene, the end-of-year showcase is a great opportunity to get connected to agents and managers, both in the Southeast as well as the Los Angeles and New York markets! Performing in a showcase does not guarantee signing with an agent or manager, but it’s an awesome networking opportunity as well as a chance to be seen by these VIPs who might just be looking for someone exactly like you! You can also cold-submit to agencies, and most have their preferences as far as submissions on their website, so be sure to check out what they ask for from new talent before submitting anything!


This is another thing that Career Coaching can help you out with. If you’d like to meet with someone to discuss your submission materials and possibly help you apply for agencies, schedule a SESSION today!

Step Five: Don’t Give Up!

Listen, it sounds silly, but persistence and believing in yourself are some of the major keys to success in this business. You’re going to hear a LOT more ‘No’ than ‘Yes’ as an actor, and that is 100% okay. Please don’t compare your success to others who are close to you in age or experience. Everyone’s acting journey is unique and the timing will likely not be as fast as you’re hoping. Focus on your own path and continue to gain confidence in yourself and your abilities through training, learning from your mistakes, and growing through all of the different seasons of your career. You’ve got this. We’re rooting for you!


If you have any questions or would like a one-on-one consultation about how to start your acting journey, please reach out to us! We have private coaches who would love to do a Career Coaching private lesson with you that is 100% tailored to you and your needs at whatever stage of your acting journey that you might be in. For more information on our classes, showcase, or private Career Coaching, please check out our website at (The Actor’s Scene ( We look forward to seeing you soon!

Ready to get started? Reach out today!



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About The Author

Molly Pass

Molly Pass is an Atlanta-local actress, acting coach, and wedding videographer who loves to help new and seasoned actors alike find their purpose and passion through performance. She holds her bachelor’s degree in Film and Media Studies from Georgia State University and enjoys discussing movies, shows, and all things new media. Her favorite part of working at The Actor’s Scene is being able to inspire folks to pursue their dreams and helping them to gain confidence in themselves along the way. When she is not acting or working in the digital media realm, she enjoys reading murder mysteries and desperately trying to keep a garden alive. 

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