Happy 20 Year Anniversary to TAS!

Happy 20 Year Anniversary to TAS!

We want to wish a very Happy 20 Year Anniversary to The Actor’s Scene!
The past 20 years are chock-full of memories and accomplishments, but we would not be where we are today without the people of TAS. We invite you to take a trip down memory lane with us as we feature some of our highlights… 

**Be sure to scroll to the end to check out our photo gallery!
TAS coaches and staff 2023


TAS Labadee Cruise 2023


TAS Staff Christmas Party 2014


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Conquering Callbacks

Taking the mystery out of the callback process with Coach Jeanne Morales You did it! You got an audition, nailed that audition, and casting wants more of

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Happy 10 Years to TAS Coach Jeanne Morales!

Happy 10 Years to TAS Coach Jeanne Morales!

We want to wish a very Happy 10 Year Anniversary to Coach Jeanne!
All of our acting coaches are highly qualified working actors who participate in the Film/TV industry in a variety of ways, in addition to coaching acting classes. But we want to give you a more in-depth look at who they are as people
This month we are sharing some insights that will help answer the question, 
“Who Is Jeanne Morales?” and below you will find out why Jeanne is such a beloved coach! 
  1. I am certified in Open Water Scuba Diving.
  2. I am an adventure traveler! I have gone swimming with the sharks in Hawaii, gone sky diving in Tennessee, and snorkeled in the Silfra Fissure, which is the only place in the world where you can swim between the Eurasion and North American Continental Plates.
  3. I am an animal lover! I love all animals and wildlife, but bunnies are life! I would love to work in wildlife conservation. Recently I helped save an abandoned domestic duck, and doing so brought me so much joy!
  4. I am super creative with my hands! I love to craft, draw, paint, and make! I also teach crafts on the weekends, and sell some in my Etsy shop.
  5. I have been in this industry for years, but my degree is in Criminal Justice. I almost became a Criminal Investigator!

How did you first get into acting?

I always knew I wanted to be a part of a creative industry growing up, but never settled on what part. As I got older, I started to suppress my creative side, and just focused on academics so that I would follow a “normal” path that was expected of me. Although I did everything I was “supposed” to do, I had a difficult time finding a job in my field of study after graduating. To earn income, I worked as a background actor on several productions. I fell in love with the film industry and made the decision to just go for it! Not long after, I was offered a job at TAS as an administrative assistant, and worked my way up to where I am now.

Coach Jeanne on Wildlife: I always knew that I wanted to someday work with wildlife, even if that meant just going on a volunteer trip to an exotic country. During 2020, when everyone was stuck questioning their whole lives, I thought about the possibility of this as a career! I went through some schooling and educating myself on different aspects to then realize that being a rehabilitator makes more sense for my goals in fulfillment. I put any further steps off hoping the right opportunity would come to me, and in a weird twist of events, this ended up happening! After losing my rabbit best friend, I knew I needed that the time was now. I needed to get my foot in the door in her honor. I have been working really hard learning all aspects, good and ugly, of this career by volunteering at a wildlife rehab center. I even got too go on my first wildlife release, and by grace, I was able to release wild rabbits! 

My goal is to go abroad and work with sea turtles so that I can combine my love for the ocean and wildlife, with the ultimate goal being officially working with the Big 5 in Africa!

What has been your biggest struggle in the industry?

In the past, I have struggled with feeling like I invest so much time and effort, only to not get anything in return. There have been times where I would stay in the taping room for hours trying to get the perfect audition. There was an audition I received that I felt was perfect for me and was going to change my life. I had played this style of character in class, in showcases, and also just sounded just like the character description! I felt this was me reaping what I have sewn. When I did not hear anything back, I almost quit acting.

That is really hard. So how have you learned to not take rejection personally and overcome discouragement?

I had to come to the realization and remembrance, that taking the leap into entering this career, was not solely based on impressing casting directors. I grew so much in accepting, and being perfectly happy “doing my job” and moving on to enjoy my life day to day. Now I can knock out auditions I am happy with in a short amount of time! I also realized that it is OKAY to decline auditions sometimes, even if it is just for the need of taking a break for myself.

Coach Jeanne on figure skating: I used to love watching figure skaters as a child and always dreamed of getting out there. My dad would take us for fun, but I never took lessons. As an adult, I would always try and do the things I never got to do as a kid, but this would always be limited to activities or experiences, rather than remaining consistent in fully learning new skills. I consider myself a quick learner and jack of all trades, but I knew this would be difficult. It is literally a sport where one is in constant fear of falling! I started being exposed to more adult skaters who are just starting out as adults. This even included my headshot photographer! I decided that I need to stop putting this off and just go for it! I knew I would be provided for as I am following where I felt my heart most led to go, I started taking lessons in January, and now I am in Adult level 4. Sometimes I feel like a complete beginner, but then look back at how I was when I first started, and wonder how I got this far! My ultimate goal is to have a performance on a frozen lake!

Besides acting, do you pursue any other interests from behind the camera?

I love to play with travel photos! When I take trips, I plan what I wear based on how an outfit will look in the specific locations. This bloomed a growth in finding beauty in different scenarios that can produce beautiful pictures and video. With the changes in social media, we are growing to accept short videos as complete videos! Getting behind the camera, directing and shooting, has been a growing passion of mine. When I hear certain songs, I usually create movies in my head. Sometimes I will go ahead and shoot the footage, but then get too shy to release anything! I am going to be working on this. I did try out a passion project after falling in love with a scene from the movie “Joker” (2019). I had a friend, who is a DP, and we worked together to recreate the scene from a woman’s perspective. I directed and edited. You can watch it HERE.

(Not appropriate for younger audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.)

***Filmed by Itzel Fernandez (Website HERE)

I also made a fun ASMR video you can watch HERE:

Why did you get into coaching?

I had to do a lot of self teaching and self growing when it came to my level of confidence growing up. This included putting myself in uncomfortable positions for the purpose of growth. I felt that I could understand someone’s struggle in not taking risks due to the fear of how it looks to others. I would say that I wanted to be some type of guide to teenage girls, and others, on  building confidence and goal chasing. I originally thought this would have to be done by some type of seminars I would have to come up with. Then I started paying attention to how students really connect to their acting coaches at TAS, and build a strong sense of trust. I realized that my goals could be fulfilled through coaching acting as well! There are so many moments where I see instant growth, due to the trust in my knowledge, then say to myself “I love my job!

What is one important bit of advice you always give the students in your class?

I always tell taped audition students to do their best at their tapings, then to just forget about them! Dwelling on hearing back will not serve them. Then if they do hear back, it will be a pleasant surprise! 

Also, I often remind students to remember their externals in performances. Externals can be defined as surroundings or any other “external” factors that contribute to our movement. Examples of these could be what one wears, the people surrounding us, the weather, etc. So often we forget all of the little habits we build as humans due to our externals. It is important for our characters to have these as well to make them more relatable to the viewers!

What is your proudest coaching moment?

 I had a student who worked privately with me for public speaking. She was an adult woman who was required to speak in front of men in the corporate world for work. Though she was very knowledgeable on her craft, her confidence lacked when speaking to these groups. She often felt they did not take her seriously. On our first day, I explained how she will have to go through some discomfort in order to grow. Our first lesson ended in tears due to trying new vocal exercises that can seem odd to those who have never done them, and have a fear of public speaking. By the third lesson, she grew so much, and we prepped her for another conference where she had to travel to speak to a group of only men! She came back for our next lesson with a huge smile on her face and was so excited to share how well she had done, and all the compliments she received! She was even invited out with the group to get to learn more!

What do you hope that your legacy will be as an acting coach?

I always strive to make an impact on anyone I work with, even if I am just working with them once. From personal experience, I know what it is like to have someone assist with breaking down personal walls. It allows you to feel liberated to perform and feel amazing about yourself. I hope to continue to make this type of impact on students, where they are proud of themselves, and everything else is just secondary.

Lastly, tell us what makes you feel confident?

I feel most confident when I feel my presence is making a positive shift. Whether it be because I am teaching, or just being a friendly face someone can truly speak to. It also doesn’t hurt to throw on a cute outfit to enhance the mood!

Jeanne Morales Bio:

As a child, Jeanne was incredibly shy; however, she always knew that she wanted to be on the big screen one day! As she grew older, she noticed that everyone’s childhood dreams began to diminish – as did hers – from fear of not being successful or having unrealistic expectations. This led her to follow society’s demands to go to college where she received her Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice. Although she loved her major, she realized how much her mind has always been against society’s standards; consequently, she mustered the courage to go against them. Jeanne has artistic passion that sees beauty in all arts: acting, fashion, dance, modeling, etc. Little by little, she started putting herself in situations where she would have to step out of her comfort zone and do things that would force her to get over her shyness.


As an acting coach she hopes to inspire her students to come out of their shells, so that they may break down barriers and free themselves to do what they love every day. Using the wisdom gained in her own journey, she hopes that the lessons learned will be stepping stones for those who long to show the world their creative ideas

Would you like to follow Coach Jeanne?

Check out her:

Interview with VoyageATL


Animal Rescue Mission

Coach Jeanne is one of our main taping coaches. She can currently be booked to work on:

Audition prep

Public speaking

Personal development

Confidence building,

Photo movement.

To book an appointment, call 770-904-6646.

Or you can register HERE

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Conquering Callbacks

Taking the mystery out of the callback process with Coach Jeanne Morales You did it! You got an audition, nailed that audition, and casting wants more of

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Importance Of FUN In Your Craft

Importance Of FUN In Your Craft

Don’t lose sight of the WHY behind your acting journey. Do you still love what you do?

Right now is a weird time to be in this industry, and you know what… that’s okay! The past three years have been marked by way more ups and downs than usual, and believe me, there are usually a lot of ups and downs anyways. Coming out of a global pandemic to the recent writer’s strike, it can be easy for actors to slip into a negative headspace and wonder ‘what’s the point of being an actor if there aren’t any auditions right now?’. 

Let me remind you that there are tons of benefits to acting other than the monetary gain offered by working gigs! If you’re in this business to make money, I hate to burst your bubble, but it might be time to reprioritize. Being a working actor can seem inconsistent, and if we measure our success by how many bookings we get, we’re going to be disappointed at the end of the day. Why? Because those factors are beyond our control! Yes, of course we love being on-set and being a part of cool projects, but genuinely- if you don’t enjoy acting and using it as a medium to express yourself for the JOY of doing so, you probably shouldn’t continue doing it!

Ask yourself why you got into this. Did you take a class and fall in love with the community and the process of working with others to tell stories? Do you love using your imagination to create characters with complex inner workings? Do you tend to observe yourself and others when it comes to movement and expression and find that acting is a way to articulate what you’ve observed about you and the world around you? What is it about the art of acting that intrigues you, what keeps you coming back for more? Find the JOY. Remember why you started! That’s what’s going to help you keep going. 

When it comes to reigniting our passion when things get hard, I feel there are three steps that anyone can take RIGHT NOW to help you get back into your groove.

Watch Something!

What have you heard people raving about right now? What’s still chilling on your Netflix list that you never got around to watching? We want to be consumers of content, not just creators of content, because media literacy is powerful! Similar to how great writers must first be great readers, great actors must also be avid moviegoers and consumers of content. If you’re curious about what I mean by Media Literacy and want to learn more, check out our blog highlighting the importance of media literacy for actors HERE. Basically, media literacy refers to consuming media with a lens that seeks to understand not just how it was created, but what its greater function is, both for the individual consumer and the greater culture. TAS Coach Sanna Erica said “Becoming educated in film and film history is quite important for actors. Knowing which films shaped our industry can be a great tool in your artistic tool belt, as inspiration from prior works influences tone, style, and inevitably, performance in contemporary work. If you have an opportunity to take a film theory class, do it. If not, start with the AFI (American Film Institute) 100 – you can begin your education by watching the greats right in your living room”. Basically, if you’re looking to become one of the greats, you first have to observe and study the greats.

Learn From Someone Who’s Come Before You -

Whether you look up interviews of your favorite actor, read a memoir or acting technique book, or have a session with a trusted private coach, the value of learning from someone else’s experiences can’t be overstated. Who is an actor whose career you really admire? What can you learn from the stories and advice they’ve already publicly shared? Is there an acting book already on your shelf that you just haven’t picked up yet? If you’d like to chat with an industry professional in real-time and get specific feedback on where you are and where you’d like to be, you can get set up with a TAS coach by checking out our Career Coaching options HERE. A private coach is going to be able to help you set goals, create a plan to get there, and hold you accountable for your next steps! Just like that age-old proverb that you should never be the smartest person in the room, you really shouldn’t be the most experienced person in your acting circle. Mentorship in multiple forms, both in-person and virtually, is so important for your craft. So make sure that you are learning from those around you as well as from professionals in your field. Private coaching, classes, networking events, or even doing free research on the internet is a good way to start!

Put In Some Practice (even if that means practicing by yourself)!

Whether that’s by pulling a scene or monologue from something you’ve previously watched or writing your own, give yourself something to memorize as though you do have an audition! Make an imaginary deadline and issue yourself a challenge: try preparing two completely different takes of the scene or monologue. An added challenge could be: self tape it at home! All you need to self tape at home is a phone or camera, something to set it on like a tripod or book stack, and a clean background in a room without a ton of background noise. Play with your setup at home and see what works best for you! As actors, if we are only practicing once we get auditions, we likely aren’t going to thrive in those auditions. Just like how athletes have to stay in shape by working out, actors need to stay ‘in shape’ by practicing our skills. Memorization, character preparation, performance, and self taping are all things that we can practice at home in-between auditions so that we can stay ready. Keeping these skills fresh in the ‘off’ seasons is going to benefit you once those auditions do come back along. 

Wherever you’re at in your journey, managing expectations, continuing to learn, and keeping it fun are the keys. Acting is an art that helps people communicate, express themselves in a healthy way, and gain confidence both personally and professionally. So no matter what your goals are, make sure that you are still enjoying the process! 

Ready to get started? Reach out today!



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About The Author

Molly Pass

Molly Pass is an Atlanta-local actress, acting coach, and wedding videographer who loves to help new and seasoned actors alike find their purpose and passion through performance. She holds her bachelor’s degree in Film and Media Studies from Georgia State University and enjoys discussing movies, shows, and all things new media. Her favorite part of working at The Actor’s Scene is being able to inspire folks to pursue their dreams and helping them to gain confidence in themselves along the way. When she is not acting or working in the digital media realm, she enjoys reading murder mysteries and desperately trying to keep a garden alive. 

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Conquering Callbacks

Taking the mystery out of the callback process with Coach Jeanne Morales You did it! You got an audition, nailed that audition, and casting wants more of

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Improv is for Everyone

Improv is for Everyone

And it’s full of benefits for YOU

Improvisation is a handy tool for actors and non-actors alike!

But first, what is improv?

Improvisation is simply acting without a script. It requires the performer to make everything up out of thin air; which helps with our quick-thinking and creativity skills! But whether you want to be a performer or you just want to step out of your comfort zone in day-to-day life, improv is a great practice that will help you level up three things: Your CONFIDENCE, Your PRESENCE, and Your FLEXIBILITY!

So let’s get into it! We sat down with TAS Coach Rick Goins, one of our fabulous improv teachers at the studio, to hear some of his thoughts about the value of improv.

CONFIDENCE is what we’re all about at The Actor’s Scene. And improv is a great way for actors and non-actors to learn to trust their instincts. Especially for those who have a hard time in crowds or with public speaking, improv can be a game changer! Confidence is a big part of life, whether you need to be confident to have a tough conversation, to present new ideas to your boss, to interview for a new position, or any other time you’re put on the spot, there are so many times that we use improv throughout our days! 

TAS Coach Rick Goins actually has personal experience with improv improving his confidence:

Coach Rick Goins

I grew up a shy introvert, and a lot of times you shrink into your shell because you don’t know what to say or how to respond- especially in a group of strangers!  Improvisation gave me the confidence that it’s okay to not know what I’m going to say and being able to focus more on others than myself prevents me from retreating. 

Honestly, a lot of people find it surprising that I much rather sit alone in a restaurant than be the life of the party.  I take that as a compliment.”

We love this! Improv can help you with interactions with strangers, because as you learn how to think quickly on your feet, you become more able to trust yourself not to overthink it! With time and training, you’ll be able to smoothly communicate your ideas and thoughts, no sweat!


PRESENCE is a big topic among actors. How can I remain present in this scene? How can I remain present with my scene partner? As the actor, we know everything that is going to happen in the text. This can make it hard for us to have authentic reactions to what’s going on, since there is no real element of surprise for us like there is for our character.

We asked Coach Rick about how Improv helps him with presence in scenework:

“Improv is something that I have incorporated into my acting technique.  I find that to “be present,” you must really, genuinely be listening to the other characters and reacting off of what they do.  These are elements that are necessary to be an improviser.  Film actors sometimes get stuck in our heads and we are waiting for our cue (not actually listening) and doing what we’ve prepared (not genuinely reacting).”

Amazing! It seems like improv is a tool that actors really need to promote authenticity in our performances! For non-actors, or actors who are out of character, presence can actually improve our relationships too! How much nicer is it to talk to someone who is focusing on you rather than focusing on the next thing that they want to say? We want to give our full attention to the people that we’re communicating with, and improv delivers the skills necessary to do that with confidence.


FLEXIBILITY is the last factor, and possibly the most important! Whether we’re talking about the experience of doing a self tape, being on set, or just tackling day-to-day life that’s not acting related, flexibility is a skill that we definitely need to cultivate!

What does it mean to be flexible? Well, I think that means that we aren’t set in our ways! Whether that’s in how we tackle problems at work or school, how we communicate, or the way that we have rehearsed a performance piece, it’s important to be adaptable. 

Coach Rick talks about a previous time when being flexible from his improv training helped him land a big gig:

“When I auditioned for “Prisoners,” the casting agent (this was back when auditions were in person) had seen me earlier for a different role and called me back.  She said ‘I haven’t received the breakdown for this character yet, but I know it’s coming and I think you would be great.  Since I don’t have sides yet, can we improvise a scene on camera?’  I said ‘sure!’  Not only did I book the role but the director liked what I did and the day of filming he had me improvise the scene (with Jake Gyllenhaal).”

How awesome! Rick could have easily felt a little uncomfortable/not super confident and declined the audition, missing out on a really cool opportunity. But instead, he trusted in his abilities and his training, and it all worked out in his favor! I think it’s also important to note that there are times where you’ll even be improvising on set, depending on the project!

“I can think of countless times on set when I’ve been asked by a Director or AD to have alternative options for movements or lines or actions other than what was scripted.  

Being able to think quickly on my toes and with the help of Improv, I was able to offer those alternatives and therefore give better performances.”

-Coach Kristi Taylor

“So now that I know how important improvisation is to learn and get comfortable with, how can I get started?”

We’ve got you! For all ages, 4 to 104, we offer year-long improv classes! This 32-week course starts in August and ends in May, which is the perfect amount of time to learn the fundamentals and apply them weekly with an instructor and classmates that you’ll grow to love.

So what are you waiting for? Click the links below to find out how you can get started with improv training at The Actor’s Scene.

Ready to get started? Reach out today!



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About The Author

Molly Pass

Molly Pass is an Atlanta-local actress, acting coach, and wedding videographer who loves to help new and seasoned actors alike find their purpose and passion through performance. She holds her bachelor’s degree in Film and Media Studies from Georgia State University and enjoys discussing movies, shows, and all things new media. Her favorite part of working at The Actor’s Scene is being able to inspire folks to pursue their dreams and helping them to gain confidence in themselves along the way. When she is not acting or working in the digital media realm, she enjoys reading murder mysteries and desperately trying to keep a garden alive. 

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Conquering Callbacks

Taking the mystery out of the callback process with Coach Jeanne Morales You did it! You got an audition, nailed that audition, and casting wants more of

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Get to know TAS Coach: Molly Pass

Get to know TAS Coach: Molly Pass

All of our acting coaches are highly qualified working actors who participate in the Film/TV industry in a variety of ways, in addition to coaching acting classes. But we want to give you a more in-depth look at who they are as people
This month we are sharing some insights that will help answer the question, 
“Who Is Molly Pass?” Read on to find out!

How did you first get into acting?

I have always loved movies, and remember watching the same ones over and over again until I was able to memorize and perform my favorite parts for our family members. So when we heard an ad on the radio for TAS, it was a no-brainer to sign up for classes!

You have been with TAS for a long time. Tell us about your journey.

I’ve been at TAS since I was seven years old. Really ever since my mom let me start taking acting classes! I remember feeling inspired, encouraged, and welcomed- which was super important for me as a very shy kid at that time in my life.

As I got older, I became more confident in myself and my craft, and The Actor’s Scene still felt like a safe place to explore and make new friends! Now, as both a coach and our Media Director (which still doesn’t feel real!), I feel like I am challenged by the exercises and concepts that we teach, both in acting and beyond!

On top of helping me stretch my acting muscles, I feel that the studio is an awesome and safe place to learn and grow amongst other amazing actors!

What has been your biggest struggle in the industry?

I think, like most actors, my biggest struggles in the industry tend to involve comparison and self-doubt. It’s easy to get into the habit of comparing my success to the success of others my age, or even younger, that I see on social media. In addition to that, sometimes there are seasons where I’m either not booking or not being asked to audition as frequently, and although that’s completely normal in this business, I can find myself taking it personally.

So, what helps you overcome self doubt and comparison?

I have to remember that I bring something unique to every performance that I do (and so do you)! We are all so different in the best way, and comparing myself to others simply isn’t fair to me or the people I’m comparing to! I think the main ways to combat comparison and self-doubt are to surround yourself with positive people who understand what you’re going through, catch yourself when comparing your work/success/whatever to someone else, and focus on YOU and your process when it comes to preparation and performance. Because at the end of the day, I can’t control how often I book or how many people follow me on Instagram, but I can control the amount of effort and grace that I put into my work and into myself.

"And a shift in perspective can change a life. Hope can create possibility. Options are always available to us if we stand back and look at things differently."

Besides acting, do you pursue any other interests in the entertainment industry?

I’m definitely a multi-passionate person. I love creating, whether it’s in front of or behind the camera. Something I’d like to do more of is to create more narrative content like short films, web series, or even try my hand at a feature film.

Why did you get into coaching?

I got into coaching because I feel that my life has been overwhelmingly impacted by the love, encouragement, and tangible advice I’ve received from my TAS coaches throughout the years since starting this acting journey. I just want to help students gain confidence in themselves and know that they are valuable, loved, and welcomed in my classroom and beyond!

What is one important bit of advice you always give the students in your class?

Something that I try to remind students of is not to take casting decisions personally.

We rarely ever know why we didn’t get a role, so it’s important that no matter what happens in the casting process (which is out of our control), we make sure that we’re proud of the work that we put into the audition process. At the end of the day, this job is hard enough- and only gets harder when we beat ourselves up!

The best advice I can give is for actors to take care of themselves mentally, physically, and spiritually. 

What is your proudest coaching moment?

It always feels super-fulfilling when students walk out of a class and say, “Thank you. I really enjoyed what we did today and it’s very helpful for where I’m at in my journey right now!”

It warms my heart when I know that the lessons I’m giving and the exercises I’m leading are tangibly helping my students; that they’re enjoying the process of learning and trying new things!

What do you hope that your legacy will be as an acting coach?

I want actors of any age to feel seen and empowered to chase after (and work for) their dreams!

I want people to feel welcomed into my classroom and leave feeling ignited for their futures; passionate about the work that they’re putting into themselves right now. Overall, I just want people to know that there is space for them- that people want to hear what they have to say because nobody is exactly the same as they are.

Every student brings uniqueness and personality to the class they’re in and to the whole world!

Lastly, tell us what makes you feel confident?

Preparation, community, and leaning on my faith make me feel confident. 

Molly Pass Bio:

Molly Pass started training at TAS 16 years ago. It’s where she got her start taking professional classes, but prior to that, she had been doing performances on the fireplace hearth for her family since the age of 2! Taking classes allowed Molly to develop a sense of confidence and self-value, skills that transcend the professional realm and help with all aspects of life. She aspires to transfer what she’s learned from others to help her students thrive in the film industry and beyond.

Would you like to take classes or private lessons with Coach Molly?

Coach Leah is getting ready to coach our most popular camp, Camp Film. To find out more about our camps, check HERE.  For more information on our classes starting this fall, click HERE. You can also give our Front Desk a call at 770-904-6646.

To sign up for a private lesson with Coach Molly, click HERE

Would you like to follow Coach Molly? Check out her:

Website at MollyPassVideo.com



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Conquering Callbacks

Taking the mystery out of the callback process with Coach Jeanne Morales You did it! You got an audition, nailed that audition, and casting wants more of

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Level Up Your Craft

Level Up Your Craft

What can actors do to keep growing their skills?

As our 32-week courses at The Actor’s Scene come to an end this week, we know that many
actors are thinking “What do I do now?”. Have no fear, we’ve got you!

It is SO IMPORTANT for actors to have tangible, specific, actionable goals when it comes to furthering their craft and career.

This can be challenging to navigate, especially if you’re new to the industry! So let’s talk about a goal-setting method that you may or may not know, and that’s the SMART Method.

SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Based. So when goal-setting, it’s important to make sure that the goal you’re creating checks all 5 of those boxes.

SPECIFIC: What area of your acting journey are you trying to work on? Your materials, such as your resume, headshots, or reel? Your self tape setup? Is there a specific acting technique that you want to learn more about? Identify what you want to work on before you determine how you’re going to work on it.

MEASURABLE: When goal-setting, it’s important to make sure that our goal can be measured, so that we can see how we’re doing! Maybe your goal is to find a clear, repeatable method for preparing your auditions, and you want to be able to knock them out with 2 days of preparation instead of your usual 5. Maybe you want to learn a new language to level up your Special Skills on your Actor’s Access profile, so you set out to get a 100-day DuoLingo streak! Whatever it is, find a way to check your progress as you go.

ATTAINABLE: This one is often the trickiest. With acting and auditioning, we simply cannot control the outcomes of casting. Many actors, when trying to set goals, think of things like “I want to book a Series Regular role on a Netflix TV show!”. While I understand the appeal of this goal, we need something that we are actually in control of. Maybe “I want to submit for more Series Regular television roles on Actor’s Access” could be a good alternative goal.

RELEVANT: Here’s a fun fact: There are a ton of non-acting-related things that you can work on to level up your acting career. Say what? You’ve seen the Actor’s Access Special Skills section. It’s a mile-long! Focusing on new skills like learning a new language, taking singing lessons, trying a new hobby, or working on your fitness, can all be beneficial to your acting career. Don’t overthink it! What’s something you can start doing today to help you become a more well-rounded actor?

TIME-BASED: Just like any other kind of goal, especially one that is Measurable, we want to have a timeline for achieving it. So if your goal is to submit for more Series Regular television roles, maybe you can say “I want to submit for 20 Series Regular roles by the end of July”. That way, you have a trajectory of how long you have to achieve it, and you can plan to work on it accordingly!

Now that you’ve defined a SMART goal (or two, if you’re an overachiever), let’s talk about things
that can help you out as you chase those dreams!

#1: Take Care Of Yourself, Both Mentally and Physically

This one sounds like a no-brainer, but healthy people make better actors! If you aren’t in a good headspace, your work will often reflect that. There are so many ways to start prioritizing your body and mind while going after your goals, but here is a non-exhaustive list:

  •  Drink water and eat regularly! Many actors have multiple jobs and find themselves often on-the-go. Keep snacks in your bag or car, and try to carry around a water bottle! Making sure you are nourished and hydrated is going to help your acting. Our bodies and minds are our instruments to create and express our art! Make sure you are giving your body the nutrients it needs.
  • Try journaling and/or meditation. Many people find it helpful to meditate and journal, reflecting on their experiences from the previous day or week. Observing yourself and the people around you is a helpful tool for creating real, authentic characters that mirror the off-screen world!
  • Consider therapy. If there’s something you’re dealing with internally that you feel you aren’t equipped to handle on your own, there is no harm in seeking professional counseling! Actors handle a lot of rejection and, depending on the project, sometimes really intense material and concepts. With how much our job relies on our brains and our ability to regulate and fluctuate our emotions, it might be worth it to see someone regularly to make sure that you’re going about everything in a healthy way.

#2: Challenge Yourself!

Often, we are our own worst critics as artists. This can sometimes get in the way of our goal- setting process, since we don’t always believe that we have what it takes to achieve our goals. That’s why the SMART goal creation method is so important. When deciding what you want to work on, understand that you have what you need to succeed! Acting is all about making informed choices and performing those choices to the best of our abilities. So, believe that you can do it, and try to push yourself out of your comfort zone so that you can find all of the excitement and adventure that lies on the other side!

“Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew. They're what make the instrument stretch - what make you go beyond the norm.”

#3: Try Working With A Private Coach

No matter what season of your acting journey that you find yourself in, there is always power in seeking mentorship from those who have come before you. We recently did a blog post on the importance of Mentorship, so click HERE if you haven’t gotten a chance to read it yet!

Working with a private coach is a great way to have accountability when it comes to your goals, since they’re someone who sees you regularly and wants to push you to be the best version of yourself!

Private coaching can help you:

  • Identify the areas you need to work on
  • Set goals that make sense for where you’re at/where you want to go.
  • Stay on-track in following through with the goals you’ve set

A private coach is also your go-to person for industry and acting questions! Our Actor’s Scene coaches have a wealth of knowledge and experience spanning decades. Not only do they help you by meeting you where you’re at, they also provide insights from their own experiences and processes that might bring new light to the struggles you’ve been working on solo!

If you’re interested in trying out private coaching click HERE. For information on our group classes, click HERE. For upcoming events, including our Adult Summer Scene Studies, click HERE.

Whatever your next big goal is, just know that we’re rooting for you here at The Actor’s Scene. Have an amazing summer!

Ready to get started? Reach out today!



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About The Author

Molly Pass

Molly Pass is an Atlanta-local actress, acting coach, and wedding videographer who loves to help new and seasoned actors alike find their purpose and passion through performance. She holds her bachelor’s degree in Film and Media Studies from Georgia State University and enjoys discussing movies, shows, and all things new media. Her favorite part of working at The Actor’s Scene is being able to inspire folks to pursue their dreams and helping them to gain confidence in themselves along the way. When she is not acting or working in the digital media realm, she enjoys reading murder mysteries and desperately trying to keep a garden alive. 

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Conquering Callbacks

Taking the mystery out of the callback process with Coach Jeanne Morales You did it! You got an audition, nailed that audition, and casting wants more of

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Student Highlight: Sam Dubin

Student Highlight: Sam Dubin

Get to know TAS Alumni,  Sam Dubin

Periodically The Actor’s Scene likes to reach out to students and chronicle their success in the industry. Case and point: Sam Dubin. Here’s what Sam has to say…

Hey Sam! We are so excited to speak with you! Let's start at the beginning, tell us what made you want to become an actor?

I knew I wanted to become an actor after one of my very first acting classes. I think it was actually a class at The Actor’s Scene way back when! I tried a lot of different hobbies and sports as a kid and it was my mom who first suggested I tried acting. I was pretty nervous, but from the very first exercise, I was hooked. There was this indescribable feeling I got from inhabiting another character. And for the first time as a kid, I felt like I really belonged. They were pretty simple theatre games that we were playing, but I think my mind was a little blown and there was no turning back. To this day, no matter what kind of acting I do — on set, on stage, in class, or on my own — I still get that weird and amazing feeling. 

What do you really love about acting?

The fact that it’s constantly teaching me so much about the human experience. It’s such a privilege to play for a living. And it’s not as important as we make it out to be sometimes. We are playing, but it’s also such a privilege to dissect human behavior and try to recreate it to move people. 

What drives you to stick with it?

I’m constantly asking myself why I’m doing this; most of the reason is just because I love it so much! And even though having a plan B is a good idea, I can’t really see myself doing anything else. 

The fact that we, as actors and artists, have the ability to sit around in a room and talk and play and then capture something on camera or stage that can affect people is what keeps me coming back to it every day.

What is something that surprised you about working on a set?

Honestly, how unglamorous it can be at times. It definitely can be pretty glamorous sometimes – but most of the time it isn’t. I’ll never forget my first ever scene on a professional SAG TV gig. We were golf carted to set. I stepped on set, briefly met the director, he showed me my mark, where I was going to step and say my line, we got three takes and then we moved on. I think that’s where the preparation really kicks in. Once you’re on set, especially if it’s TV, there’s not much time for discussion so you’ve got to be prepared to work. Everyone wants to create something beautiful, but they also want to make the day and they want to do it is as efficiently as possible. Time is money! 

What are some of your favorite acting moments?

 I recently worked on a show where my character was dying and after the take I could sort of feel the energy in the room shift. One of the producers came up to me and asked me if I was okay and I was like, “Yeah I’m great, let’s do it again!” It was a complicated moment with a lot of moving pieces and I know that if I moved the crew then it was going to translate to screen. It was a proud moment!

I studied at the Atlantic Theatre Company in NYC during the summer of 2018! I did a scene from a play called Bent, and on my second round of performing I reached a real breakthrough moment from breathing and really working to be present with my partner. I’ve been chasing that feeling ever since!

Booking my very first professional acting TV gig!

I wrote, directed and acted in a short film about my relationship with my father and recently premiered the film to a sold out crowd in Atlanta and NYC. In both audiences, having people come up to me and tell me that the film made them think about their family or life in some way was extremely fulfilling as a writer, director and artist!

In what ways do you feel that acting has made you a better human being?

Acting has given me the opportunity to invest myself in stories and worlds and points of view that I I don’t think I would have the chance to see if I was pursuing some other profession. 

Acting has taught me the importance of a team and also how to be a leader. 

It’s taught me how to truly listen and be present with myself and others. It’s constantly humbling. It’s given me perseverance and grit. 

When I took my very first acting class at the Actors Scene I knew right away that I had fallen in love with a profession that would allow me to be open and vulnerable and not be afraid to be weird and wacky in my own way. 


The audition is the work. Go into the audition to do the job not get the job... When you try to “get the job” you become powerless. You’re not going into the audition to get anything. You’re going in to give them the gift of your work.

What is some of the best acting advice you've been given?

Don’t ask me how… but somehow I ended up on a zoom call with Bryan Cranston back in 2020. It was me and a bunch of other actors and filmmakers. We all had to submit questions beforehand and right towards the end of the call our teacher asked me to finish the call with my question to Bryan which was basically how you stay motivated in a business with so much rejection. How do you keep going when you’re constantly getting no’s? 

He was so passionate about this question he ended up talking way past the time he said he originally would. He kept just saying to let it go and give it away. The audition is the work. Go into the audition to do the job not get the job. What you have in your talent is a gift. Put you arms around that gift and value that. When you try to “get the job” you become powerless. You’re not going into the audition to get anything. You’re going in to give them the gift of your work. Be kind, generous, let it go and give it away. Golden advice from Bryan Cranston!

Tell us Sam, what makes you feel confident?

For me it’s just preparation. I can definitely over prepare and I can overthink at times, but knowing I’ve done the work at the bare minimum makes me feel confident. I’ve always been a fan of the idea that preparation sets you free. So whether it’s acting or writing or my survival job I feel comfortable when I know have a certain degree of understanding and prep backing me up! 

What would be your dream project?

A show on TV right now I would do anything to be a part of is The Bear on Hulu. I’ve worked in the restaurant industry, so I really understand that world. I’ve never seen something on TV and been like, “I need to be in that” more than when I’d seen The Bear. The style of the show, the subject matter, the actors, the writing. I’m manifesting it!

It’s been a while since I’ve done a play because of COVID, so really doing any play with depth would be a dream right now! 

I want to act with Robert de Niro. That’s the ultimate-ultimate dream.

Tell us about your upcoming projects.

Recurring Co Star in Average Joe, a new show on BET +

I wrote, directed and acted in my short film, The Stream which should be premiering online by the end of this month. More details on my website, personal insta and my film’s insta @thestreamfilm

I just worked on a short film called What to Say Anymore

I’ll be studying Chekhov with the Atlantic Theatre Company for the month of May in NYC!

Finally, what advice do you have for young actors who are just getting started?

The same advice I give myself every day. Be patient. The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. So much of life as an actor and artist is investing in your future self. The work you’re putting it in today will benefit you in ways you could never see coming days, months, years from now. You don’t know what the future holds so don’t stop believing in yourself and your ability and don’t let go of your dreams. (Basically talking to myself here!)

You can follow Sam!

Check out his:




You should also keep track of the latest news for Sam’s short film, The Stream, by following the official Instagram page HERE.

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Conquering Callbacks

Taking the mystery out of the callback process with Coach Jeanne Morales You did it! You got an audition, nailed that audition, and casting wants more of

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Mentorship Matters

Mentorship Matters

Yes, it really does. Find out some of the reasons and benefits of having an acting mentor.

Mentorship; it’s one of our core values at The Actor’s Scene. When students walk into the studio to get to their class, they are greeted by this awesome quote from John C. Maxwell:

“One of the greatest values of mentors is the ability to see ahead what others cannot see and to help them navigate a course to their destination.”

-John C. Maxwell

So... what is a mentor, really?

 Merriam-Webster defines a mentor as “a trusted counselor or guide, a tutor or coach”. Basically, your mentor is someone that is helping to guide your path, hearing where you currently are and helping you pinpoint the next steps to getting where you want to be. Mentors work alongside you to hone in on your strengths and help you to work on your weaknesses! Mentorship can be beneficial in every industry and at every stage in life. It is by no means a new concept; rather, it’s one that we’ve seen crop up in our stories through the ages. Where would Harry Potter be without Dumbledore? Or Luke Skywalker without Yoda? Or Daniel LaRusso without Mr. Miyagi? I could keep going, but you get the point. To have someone that can listen, guide, caution, and cheer you on your journey is not just a blessing, but an important element to cultivate in your acting journey.

If I’m an actor, what is the benefit of having a mentor?

That’s a great question! Actors, especially those new to the industry, can definitely benefit from hearing about others’ experiences and soaking in advice from those who have been working in the industry! For seasoned actors, mentorship can help figure out what your blind spots are, assess where you are in your craft and what your areas for improvement might be! Mentorship for actors can be in the form of goal-setting, learning a new acting skill, or even leveling up your tangible materials such as your resume, headshots, and reels or clips. Having a mentor as an actor means having a go-to person to come to with all of your questions, concerns, and dreams!

Coach Sanna Erica

Check out this quote from TAS Coach Sanna Erica on mentorship:

Sometimes mentorship can happen in unconventional ways. For instance, a few years ago I decided to read books by women in filmmaking, business, and comedy who were inspirational to me. I learned so much from these incredible people — without actually meeting them in person. Never doubt the power of how you can learn from those who went before you — even if you may not have the chance to meet them (yet)!”

Mentorship is helpful for your career as an actor, but also for your personal life!

 When I was a child, I was PAINFULLY shy. I mean, I couldn’t order at a restaurant by myself. I barely made eye contact with strangers. And new environments, especially crowded ones, made me super nervous. The first time I sang in front of a group of people, I actually ran out of the room crying! Despite my shyness, I knew from the moment that I was a little tot (probably about 2 or so) that I desperately wanted to be an actor. I just needed some help coming out of my shell, and developing the confidence necessary to work and thrive in the industry! Thankfully, when I was seven years old, I started taking classes at The Actor’s Scene, and I found my first mentor: Coach Aimee Peters.

Coach Aimee worked with me and my mom to help me develop public speaking skills, learn how to think quickly and creatively on my feet, and grow the confidence in myself that I needed to start actually pursuing my dream of becoming an actor. She did this simply by showing up for me in our weekly private lessons! We used our time together to talk about and solidify my goals, and made small steps weekly towards them. We leveled up my tangible industry tools like my online profiles, had question and answer times for the things I was wondering about the industry and the art of acting, and worked on different techniques to improve my performance skills. Lessons with her were the first time that I felt like I could actually accomplish my dreams of performing in front of others and bringing characters to life. I will forever be grateful to her for taking that time to invest in me, both personally and professionally, because without it, I absolutely wouldn’t be where I am (or who I am) today! 

We got in touch with former TAS Coach, Aimee Peters to hear her take on mentorship. As one of our first coaches, going back to 2003, Aimee had the opportunity to mentor many actors and walk through their journey to success. We asked Aimee to share her thoughts on being an acting coach:

“For years, I had served as an acting coach in any way the doors opened up. Then gradually my students began asking if I would teach them privately. The reason a coach thrives on those private lessons is that we finally get to hone in and really work on an area in ONE actor’s development, that we don’t have time for in a group class. When you see an area for growth in a person, you want to help them get there! I believe that anyone who truly wants to grow, must shake themselves out of the routine of what comes naturally, and SEEK OUT the expertise and greatness that you see in someone you admire. Mentors or coaches don’t have time to go find folks to follow them; they’re already running in their purpose. However, if you see an attribute or a skill that you can learn from, then you gotta go find those who will take the time to populate that into you. The hunger to learn from others never stops.

What I did not expect, is that as I privately coached hundreds of students, their stories became embedded into my heart, and each face became someone I learned from. Their passion to learn, the affection and appreciation of me when I taught, seeing them progress in excellence and determination…it all inspired me to be on my game, and to come with more and more so they would feel they were getting what they needed.

These students & their families became friends. They were there when I walked through infertility for 4 years.  They laughed with me through the nausea of pregnancies.  They all came out to celebrate that first miracle baby and showered us with nursery decor for that little girl we didn’t think would ever come. One of my most prized possessions is that after helping Molly Pass develop Spokesperson script for an AMTC competition in FL, her mother took her costume and converted it into a exquisite “Jack & Jill” baby blanket for our 2nd miracle baby. 

When we open up to one another to connect through acting, sometimes we get SO much more.

Coach Aimee Peters has been a mentor to so many people at TAS!

My mentoring journey didn’t end after working with Coach Aimee. I continued taking classes at the studio and furthering my craft. Through a TAS Showcase, I signed with my agent and started auditioning! When I got to my teenage years, I realized that soon I would be responsible for my own career instead of leaning so heavily on my parents to help me out, so I restarted private lessons, this time with Coach Sanna! Coach Sanna helped me figure out how to navigate the more administrative tasks that I was confused about, like self-submitting for projects, resume-building, and communicating with my agent. She also taught me acting techniques that I still use to this day, like Alexander, Meisner, and Hagen. I knew that whenever I had a question, I had a designated person and safe space to share my confusion. And of course, Sanna’s expertise and kindness meant that all my questions were answered easily and without judgment, which gave me the clarity and confidence to move forward in my journey! I remember working specifically with her on my audition for the spring musical in my senior year of high school, and how we got to celebrate together when I got to tell her that I got the part! She was even able to make it to the first play I ever directed, Charlie Brown Christmas, that same year!

Since my time with TAS Coaches Aimee Peters and Sanna Erica, I can now order my own food at a restaurant. I often make eye contact with strangers. And new environments, especially crowded ones, are so exciting to me! As far as singing goes, I actually now teach vocal lessons to other shy kiddos and help them find confidence in their voice. Mentorship for actors is about more than learning how to act, it’s about finding and perfecting the tools you need to succeed, in your career as well as in your day to day life! Working privately with a coach is an opportunity to connect with someone who wants to see you thrive. If you’ve been thinking about what the next right thing for you is, or you just know that you could benefit from someone who has more industry experience helping to guide you as you navigate it all, check out our private and career coaching options!

Another TAS Mentor that we want to spotlight, is none other than Nicolle Campbell; TAS Founder, Owner, and Manager of TASM. Nicolle has been a ‘rock’ to many in the industry-both in TAS and beyond. We asked her to share her take on Mentorship.

“I don’t consider myself a “mentor”. I don’t intentionally set out to mentor a person. 

Instead what I’ve realized is that I’m an investor. I invest in people. I see potential in someone. I see their heart to do good, to achieve and to help others. That’s what spurs me to invest. I want to help that person grow. I want to invest in their heart, in their spirituality, in their dream to help others. I want them to grow their good desires and to help them recognize and avoid the pitfalls. I want to pass down the things I’ve learned in life. 
So I don’t do anything like set monthly meetings with someone to talk about what steps they should take etc etc. it’s nothing as regimented as that. Instead I talk to them, write notes, give encouragement, ask them questions designed to get them to think and to problem solve. And I love them-by investing time and energy. I do this with those on my staff, my management clients, my friends- and even with my friends daughters!  Listening to them and asking questions is how I invest in that person. And I think that focusing on Investment is a more well rounded way to approach mentorship.”

We are here for you, and would love to be a part of your story. To learn more about our coaches and their specific areas of expertise, click HERE.

For Private Lesson and Career Coaching information/to book your first session, click HERE.

We’ll see you soon, virtually or in-person!

Ready to get started? Reach out today!



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About The Author

Molly Pass

Molly Pass is an Atlanta-local actress, acting coach, and wedding videographer who loves to help new and seasoned actors alike find their purpose and passion through performance. She holds her bachelor’s degree in Film and Media Studies from Georgia State University and enjoys discussing movies, shows, and all things new media. Her favorite part of working at The Actor’s Scene is being able to inspire folks to pursue their dreams and helping them to gain confidence in themselves along the way. When she is not acting or working in the digital media realm, she enjoys reading murder mysteries and desperately trying to keep a garden alive. 

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Conquering Callbacks

Taking the mystery out of the callback process with Coach Jeanne Morales You did it! You got an audition, nailed that audition, and casting wants more of

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Get to know TAS Coach: Leah Merritt

Get to know TAS Coach: Leah Merritt

All of our acting coaches are highly qualified working actors who participate in the Film/TV industry in a variety of ways, in addition to coaching acting classes. But we want to give you a more in-depth look at who they are as people
This month we are sharing some insights that will help answer the question, 
“Who Is Leah Merritt?” Read on to find out!

How did you first get into acting?

I caught the “acting bug” through doing a community theatre production of Annie in Collierville, TN.

After moving to the Atlanta area from Memphis, a simple google search for “acting schools” landed me at The Actor’s Scene. From there, I trained and signed with my agent through our Showcase and I am still with her today!

What has been your biggest struggle in the industry?

I’m definitely too hard on myself and have struggled with feeling like I’m behind or doing something wrong. I used to compare myself to other actors and feel like I wasn’t doing “enough.” I would think “Oh, she got more auditions than me this week” or “Dang it, why haven’t I booked x amount of roles yet?” There were several times when this line of thinking would bum me out so much that I felt like quitting the industry entirely.

So, what helped you overcome this negative mindset?

It wasn’t easy. The change came from building my skills, training more, and working on my own self-image outside of acting. I realized I can’t place my worth on how “successful” I am, especially because everyone’s definition of success is different. I started treating every audition as an opportunity to practice my craft, rather than a nerve wracking job interview. And most importantly, I surround myself with an uplifting and encouraging support group that constantly reminds me of how much I have already achieved.

Wow! That is so important for actors to hear. Can you explain more?

Well, it’s no secret that the acting industry alone can breed some pretty unhealthy mindsets- if left unchecked. There’s a lot of rejection, comparison, and pressure to look/be a certain way that can be really hard to manage for adults, let alone young actors. But at the same time, I’m thankful that I dealt with these challenges early in my life, because it forced me to find my worth and happiness outside of achievements. I learned to talk kindly to myself and have a perspective of joy and gratitude, rather than stress and dejection. Once those unhealthy mindsets faded away, I started having a lot more fun! Not only in acting, but in life.

It’s a whole new world when you realize that no one is your competition. We can all be uniquely talented and beautiful and accomplished in whatever way makes US happy!

Also, like I said before, there can be a lot of comparison and competitive natures in this industry. I think the biggest thing that helped me through those mindsets was actually becoming friends with the actors I thought I was competing with. I realized instead of judgement, I found a welcoming community of artists that just want to be able to share our common struggles and accomplishments. 

***Apart from actor friends, I’m also grateful to have non-actor friends and family that are super supportive. I found that these people can have unique perspectives that help me in different ways. I might be having a bad day or feeling down about that audition I didn’t book, but my friends just think it’s cool I’m auditioning at all! My close friends and family always remind me to feel proud of where I am right now and appreciate the amazing things I have already accomplished. 

I worked with a director once who said she could tell just by how I conducted myself on set that I find pure joy in what I do. Since this is something I’ve worked so hard to achieve (finding joy and not sweating the small stuff) that meant a lot to hear. I want to teach my students to find joy in their own performance, which comes from self-acceptance and confidence that you are where you are meant to be.

Besides acting, do you pursue any other interests in the entertainment industry?

Funny you should ask! I used to say I’m a “one trick pony” and only focused on acting. However, I’m lucky enough to have a fiance that is also in the film industry. Last year, we worked with other TAS actors to write, produce, direct, and perform in our very own short film called “The Interrogation”. It was such a rewarding experience to have that much creative control and follow a project from start to finish. In fact, we enjoyed it so much that we are creating a brand new TAS class all about giving actors hands-on experience behind the camera! It will be called “The On-Set Experience.” Look out for it in our 2023-2024 class year!

Why did you get into coaching?

I took a class in college about the Meisner acting technique. Throughout this class, I was stretched to new limits and learned a lot about myself as a performer. I also had a breakthrough in this class, which was that acting is a craft that must be constantly practiced and fine tuned.

I loved how my professor taught with this philosophy in mind, and it shifted my entire perspective of actors and the work that we do. From that moment on, I wanted to help other actors make these huge discoveries and find joy in their own craft.

What is one important bit of advice you always give the students in your class?

I always encourage my students to make big, bold choices in their auditions. Not only does this make your audition more fun, it also helps you stand out to casting directors and show them your unique take on the character.

What is your proudest coaching moment?

I feel the proudest when I am helping a student come out of their shell. As I’ve struggled with and learned throughout my own career, the biggest thing that holds us back is a lack of confidence in ourselves. When I can finally have a breakthrough with a student and they start being unapologetically themselves, that’s when the real magic happens.

What do you hope that your legacy will be as an acting coach?

I worked with a director once who said she could tell just by how I conducted myself on set that I find pure joy in what I do. Since this is something I’ve worked so hard to achieve (finding joy and not sweating the small stuff) that meant a lot to hear. I want to teach my students to find joy in their own performance, which comes from self-acceptance and confidence that you are where you are meant to be. I hope my legacy is that I bring joy to every classroom/set/conversation that I’m a part of!

Leah Merritt Bio:

Leah is a TAS alum turned coach! Ever since beginning her career at 15, some of her favorite roles have been in Holy Irresistible (pending distribution), Netflix’s Insatiable, and Lifetime Movie Network’s Friendship Never Dies. Leah graduated from the University of Georgia with a BA in Theatre and has been coaching and working the front desk of The Actor’s Scene since fall of 2020. She is passionate about the Atlanta film community and strives to show the world how amazing our Georgia actors are!

Would you like to take classes or private lessons with Coach Leah?

Coach Leah is getting ready to launch our new class, The On-Set Exprerience. For more information on our classes, click HERE. You can also call our Front Desk and request Leah’s current roster at 770-904-6646.

To sign up for a private lesson with Coach Leah, click HERE

Would you like to follow Coach Leah? Check out her:



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Taking the mystery out of the callback process with Coach Jeanne Morales You did it! You got an audition, nailed that audition, and casting wants more of

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Why Actors Need a Reader

Why Actors Need a Reader

Do you really need a Reader for your taped audition?

If you’re new to film and television acting, auditions might be something that has been on your mind lately.

Whether you’re new to auditioning or you’re trying to learn more about the industry before starting to self-submit, learning the proper terms and different aspects of audition etiquette is a MUST. We want to spend a little time talking about an important audition element called a Reader.

So first of all, what is a Reader?

A Reader is the term used for someone who is reading the other person in your scene’s lines off-camera, whether they are helping you physically tape your audition or you’ve phoned them in through a service like FaceTime or Zoom. There are many reasons that casting directors and decision makers in the casting process definitely want you to have one. (So in short, yes, you do really need a Reader)

Let’s take some time looking at the various benefits a Reader brings to your scene.

#1: A Reader helps with the TIMING of the scene.

Here’s what you don’t want to do: intentionally mess with the writer’s directions for a scene. For example, if it is a two-person scene, we cannot go in and turn it into a one-person monologue. If there are two characters, we should be hearing someone read the other person’s lines. The main focus will still be on the actor (auditioner), but the second character will be voiced by someone off-screen. Another thing we don’t want to do is record ourselves saying the other character’s lines and playing it back over the audition recording. Number one, it’s unprofessional. The better route would be to have a friend read the lines to you virtually. Number two, it is distracting and messes with the timing of your scene. This leads to a product that can look really awkward and over-rehearsed. We want you to be focused on your PERFORMANCE, not nailing down the timing so that your fake reader can be on-track. Our goal in an audition setting is to show the decision makers that we can carry this character and this scene with authenticity to the source material. So, don’t change up the script or try to get around having a real life reader.

#2: A Reader helps with your REACTIONS and your character’s RELATIONSHIP.

Having a Reader there to say the other character’s lines is a perfect stand-in for that other character. If you know what your relationship to the other character in the scene is (which you should ALWAYS know before taping!), you can use that to inform the way that you and that character would talk to each other, and the emotions that you each might have going into this particular scene. Having a real person to play off of is so important for your reactions and really selling the idea of this character’s relationship with your scene partner. If you can, read with a fellow actor! Whether that is through booking a professional taping service with us (LINK) or by asking a friend from your acting class to help at your home setup, having another actor as your Reader is one way to help level up your auditions. This is because another actor is going to give you something to go off of! You can rehearse together and chat through it before turning the camera on and recording.

*While your Reader doesn’t NEED to be an actor, make sure that they understand what their role is. The reader should be quieter than the actor auditioning, but still able to be understood by the people watching your tape.

#3: A Reader helps with your EYELINE.

What is an eyeline, you might ask? Your eyeline is just where you are looking during your audition. It’s important that, unless stated otherwise, you aren’t looking directly into the camera for your audition. On the flip side, we also don’t want to see you in profile for your whole performance, so you want to split the difference and put the other person just a few inches away from the camera on either side. This will help casting to be able to see your whole face and all of your lovely reactions throughout your audition. Having a Reader in the taping room (or at-home setup, if you have one) is one good way to have a consistent eyeline throughout your scene.

Here is an example clip from TAS Private Student Jace Marsh, where you can hear the volumes of him and his Reader and see how his eyeline is to the side of the camera! You can follow Jace on Instagram HERE, or view his Actor’s Access profile HERE.

#4: Having a Reader is PROFESSIONAL, and improves the QUALITY of your self tape.

The Atlanta market has always been a self tape market, but now the industry as a whole is converting to primarily utilizing self tapes for the beginning of the casting process. This mainly started in 2020, when the world shifted virtually; but it has continued because self tapes and virtual callbacks through platforms (like Zoom or Actors Access’s EcoCast Live) save casting directors a lot of time and money in comparison to the former in-person editions of initial reads and callbacks. You want to make sure that your audition is up to par with other actors who have been self taping for a long time!

So, in addition to a Reader, what all do I need to ensure the quality of my self tape?

First thing’s first. You need a camera and tripod. In this day and age, there isn’t a need to purchase an expensive DSLR camera just to record your auditions if you have a smartphone that shoots in HD. What is a non-negotiable, however, is the tripod. This is because we don’t want a shaky audition tape that’s going to distract from our acting performance. So if you are shooting on your phone, make sure to snag a phone-specific tripod, like this one from AMAZON

Next, make sure you’re shooting on a PLAIN BACKGROUND, like a nice neutral gray. We don’t want casting focusing on the art behind you or your messy bedroom, so keep it plain and simple.

We also want to make sure that the people viewing your tape can SEE and HEAR you. So whether you’re using natural lighting in a quiet room or investing in lighting and audio equipment, be sure to watch your tape back and make sure that your recording quality isn’t detracting from your acting!


If you’re looking to develop your own at-home self tape studio and don’t know where to start, schedule an in-person or virtual CAREER COACHING session with a TAS Coach! We can help you figure out how to best set up your space and teach you the ins and outs of self taping at home.

If you’re looking for an audition Reader and a space to tape in, we have a professional taping studio right in our Buford, GA location! Click HERE to schedule an audition taping service where we will:

  • Be your Reader!
  • Provide coaching (depending on the length of your audition and how much time you book)!
  • Film your audition in our high-quality setup!
  • Edit it for you!
  • Submit your audition during your time slot!
  • And even send you a copy at the end!

For more information on our taping services, check out that portion of our website HERE. Happy auditioning!

Ready to get started? Reach out today!



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About The Author

Molly Pass

Molly Pass is an Atlanta-local actress, acting coach, and wedding videographer who loves to help new and seasoned actors alike find their purpose and passion through performance. She holds her bachelor’s degree in Film and Media Studies from Georgia State University and enjoys discussing movies, shows, and all things new media. Her favorite part of working at The Actor’s Scene is being able to inspire folks to pursue their dreams and helping them to gain confidence in themselves along the way. When she is not acting or working in the digital media realm, she enjoys reading murder mysteries and desperately trying to keep a garden alive. 

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