We are super honored to hear from Alina’s amazing mother, Yelena Brace. We asked Yelena to share some of her best advice for parents of young actors. Here is what she has to say:
Hey Yelena, thank you for taking the time to speak with us! What advice do you have for parents of new young actors just getting started? - Don’t be overwhelmed by the shear amount of information and advice you will receive. What maybe works for one child actor doesn’t mean would work for yours, so please do your research follow your instincts and ask questions!
- Connect and network with other parents, follow other young actors, casting directors, coaches, and local agencies on social media. Building your network is key!
- Celebrate their wins. Yes, even getting an audition is already a win!
Is there any system, tool, or advice that you have found to be especially helpful? Attending free workshops to learn more about the business side of the industry, such as TAS Business Seminars offered as part of Acting Foundations and Working Year classes. These were so beneficial for me as you learn about what tools are mostly used by agencies and CDs, what resume template you should follow, industry terms and jargon, headshot information, etc. Tell us what makes it all worth it? Why do you keep going, even when things get hard? The smile on my daughter’s face when she is in her element! As parents, we always want and strive to provide what is best for our children. We want them to be happy, to learn and grow, to be confident, to chase their dreams and of course to be better than us. I know that even though it can be tough (this industry is not easy), there is a lot of rewards waiting, and seeing Alina follow her dreams and knowing that she is doing what she truly loves, makes it all worth it. You mentioned that you want Alina to be happy, learn and grow. Has that been hard in this industry? In what ways do you work to reinforce her mental health? Thankfully Alina is only 6 , so we are able to shield her from a lot of negativity and rejection that comes with the industry. We explain to her that sometimes there are other factors involved that are out of our control and a little bit of luck is needed as well. In order to keep her happy and stay motivated, we try to include her in the positive things she enjoys (sign up for new classes and activities that will broaden her skills). We strive to reward her and celebrate little wins by treating her with a favorite dessert or let her pick out a new book to read. |