A Special Showcase Follow Up

A Special Showcase Follow Up

We are always impressed at the amount of awesome work our students do each year for The Actor’s Scene Showcase Callbacks. They have each worked hard on their personal showcase piece, plan out their callbacks, and performed them like pros.

This year we wanted to highlight a few such students who really went above and beyond. 

Hi Trey! Tell us, what class did you take this past year?

This past year I took foundations with Coach John and I have taken improv for the past few years.  I am also in broadcasting club at school and my schools Lead news anchor. I have taken video production for the past 2 years

Wow, you are busy! But all that hard work paid off. What was your highlight for the TAS Showcase?

The highlight of the TAS showcase was getting to write and create your own commercial with Coach John.  I felt confident because we spent weeks building it and rehearsing. I was able to make changes to make it flow perfectly.  I felt like it prepared me for future commercials.  

Trey, you got callbacks from 28 out of the 30 VIP's! That is incredible! How did it feel?

It felt AMAZING getting as many callbacks as I did. I am so grateful for the opportunities.  I am so proud of how far Ive come and look forward to my next opportunity. 

Do you have an update since Showcase?

I did sign with J Pervis Talent Agency Inc.  I cannot wait for them to lead me to reaching my next goals. 

Speaking of journeys, what do you have planned?

My next goal is to get a job on a TV series or a film.  I also would love to be in a few commercials.  I am going to continue learning skills and improving my talent to push myself to reaching my goals. 

Finally, tell us what makes you feel confident?

I feel confident because of all of the feedback I received from the TAS showcase.  It helped to show me if I put in the work I can achieve my goals.


Hi Javian! Tell us, what class did you take this past year?

I took Working Actor Taped Audition with Coach John

We want to know, what was your highlight for the TAS Showcase?

Getting a callback and offer from Osbrink Talent Agency in California!

That is really cool! How did it feel to receive a Callback from such a prestigious LA Agency?

Very exciting and exhilarating!

Did you have an interview with your LA agent as part of the callback?

Yes, Osbrink requested to meet with me virtually.

How did you prepare for that meeting?

Outside of my parents scheduling the call, I really didn’t prepare because I wanted to give them my natural self. Prior to the meeting my parents and I had discussed that they either want me or they don’t…

Sooo.... What's the update?

I have accepted the offer from Osbrink, and am awaiting for the contract. I am now bicoastal!

Yay! Congratulations. Just last year you signed with your Atlanta agent at the TAS Showcase, and this year you signed with an LA agent! So what is your next goal?

My next goal is to book a recurring role on a TV show, or a more substantial role in a movie.

Tell us what makes you feel confident?

I feel confident because I have been invited to audition for several projects, have received callbacks, and booked several commercials. I have even done some voiceover work.

Finally, what do you do for auditions, interviews, callbacks that gets you in the right headspace so you perform with confidence?

Prior to auditions I like to review the scripts so that I am comfortable with it. Usually my mother and I practice lines to increase my confidence.

Hi Danielle! Tell us, what class did you take this past year?

This year I took coach Kirsten’s class Working Actor: TheTaped Audition via Zoom

You've been through several TAS Showcases. What was your highlight about this one?

Honestly, getting to see everyone in person! It’s so fun and convenient on zoom classes, but I have to say, spending time with everyone in person really gives you that connection.

What did it feel like to receive multiple callbacks?

It’s great to even receive just one, and I’m grateful the VIPs took the time to view my performance and enjoyed it as much as I did making it! 

Do you have an update since Showcase?

Yes! I recently booked a huge opportunity that I can’t share quite yet, but it was so amazing and I can’t wait to do it again and be back on set. It’s absolutely my happy place. 

Congratulations! That is great news! So what is next for your acting career?

My next goal is to book a lead or maybe a series regular role. Really, whatever comes next is going to be amazing and I’m ready! I want to keep up my outside acting skills too. I recently took up archery and hope to be able to use it on set someday! 

Let's talk about confidence. You have had multiple coaches rave about the confidence you bring to every opportunity and your positive attitude. What helped you reach this level of confidence?

After participating in Showcase for the last couple of years, you learn what to generally expect. Give or take the upgrades or minor changes to the process, the team at The Actor’s Scene really makes it so easy to adapt and have fun! Plus, just knowing I’m amongst friends makes it all the more easy to be relaxed.  

Finally, what word of advice do you have for new actors whose confidence isn't so high?

After participating in Showcase for the last couple of years, you learn what to generally expect. Give or take the upgrades or minor changes to the process, the team at The Actor’s Scene really makes it so easy to adapt and have fun! Plus, just knowing I’m amongst friends makes it all the more easy to be relaxed.  






Congratulations to you three! And to all of our students who came through the 2024 Showcase.

If you too want to experience the confidence and connections you gain from the TAS Showcase, check out how you can get in for the next one. Our 32 week classes start in August and are designed to get you ready for real opportunities! 

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Choosing a Group Class

Choosing a Group Class

Why do group classes remain a popular choice for actors? 

What she was missing was knowledge found in a great acting class! Had she not taken an acting class, the world may never have been graced with the humor that is The Carol Burnett Show. This kind of discovery is exactly why this month at TAS we are focusing on our upcoming group classes. Let’s dive in together to see what the benefits of joining a group class are! 


Taking a group class is an excellent way to discover more about yourself as an actor. Take our Improv Foundations class where a lot of the class time is spent doing group exercises and playing games. We focus on games that get actors to create personal characters, think and react quickly, and explore ways to tap into their emotional ranges. Acting is inherently a collaborative art form, and practicing in a group setting allows actors to learn from each other’s strengths and weaknesses. You can discover as much about yourself from what choices you make in class as watching what others chose in a moment.

There’s more to discovery than just self-discovery. It is also important to experience the discovery of technique and of the business side of the industry.  If the idea of self-discovery through improv games excites you, but you also want to want learn about the business, you need something more like the other two TAS Newcomer courses: On Camera Foundations and, introducing this year: Theatre Foundations. These courses begin the process of helping you discover who you are as an actor while getting you familiar with the ins and outs of working on camera or working on stage. 

On Camera Foundations: If you are a brand new actor or a beginner in film-style acting, On Camera Foundations is for you. (Click picture to go to On Camera Foundations Page for more information).
Improv Foundations: Grow in your confidence, critical thinking, and creativity with this beginner course (Click picture to go to Improv Foundations page for more information).
Theatre Foundations: Our Theatre Foundations class has an educationally-based and skills building focus where students learn all of the foundational elements of a top-notch stage performance (Click picture to go to Theatre Foundations page for more information).


Being an actor means you will be collaborating with people constantly and who you are working with will constantly change on top of that. You will get to be a part of a tiny community that develops quickly. Being part of a group class can help you find the start of that community. For example, the On-Set Experience class bridges the gap between education and experience by giving students the tools to produce, write, direct, and act in their own short film! Just like on a real set, you may not know who you are working with beforehand. Students learn skills and how to work together with new people and people with different backgrounds and capabilities. The success of your project is due entirely to the success of your community. 

Choosing the actor life can also be incredibly difficult. It doesn’t work the way a traditional 9-5 job does which can be hard to for your traditional support network, who may come from outside of this industry, to understand. That’s what makes having an acting community or “family” so important. One of the easiest ways to find an acting family is to take a group class. Working closely with others week after week creates bonds and relationships which for many actors can lead to finding “your people”. 

The Taped Audition: This class trains working actors to produce standout audition tapes through mock auditions and one-on-one feedback. (Click the picture to go to the Taped Audition page for more information).
Script & Set Study: This class trains working actors to dive deeper into their performance and their careers. (Click on the picture to go to the Script & Set Study page for more information).
Improv Expanded: Are you ready to take your improv skills to the next level? Sign up for this advanced improv course and get ready for a challenge! (Click on the picture to go to the Improv Expanded page for more information).

Above and Beyond Competition

Let’s face it, the more you know the better equipped you are to succeed and participating in group classes puts you above and beyond the competition. Through self discovery, proper training, and education for how to navigate your career, you are putting yourself ahead of the rest. 

Take our Meisner & Beyond class for example. The Meisner & Beyond class is designed to introduce seasoned actors to a variety of classical techniques in order to help them personalize their craft. Actors study the greats while working to become great! Taking this course with a group allows you to hear the questions asked by other actors and to watch them succeed or fail which is crucial exposure to learning you cannot receive by yourself.

Also try really diving into working with a proper film crew by taking The Creator’s Lab, a class that cannot function without a group. It relies on people working together just like a film/TV set or theatre production.

The On-Set Experience allows students to break into filmmaking by learning every step of the filmmaking process. They even create a full short film!= over the year! (Click on the picture to go to the On Set Experience page for more information.)
The Creator’s Lab: This follow-up to the “On Set Experience” class gives students even MORE hands-on filmmaking experience and allows them to dive deeper into “above-the-line roles” also known as the head creatives on set.
Dive into advanced technique with this 32 week conservatory style course. (Click on the picture for more information on Meisner and Beyond).

These are merely a few of the benefits of taking a group class. If it’s your time to discover, find community, or get above and beyond the competition, (click on the class of interest for more information) or contact the TAS Front Desk today. Get your future started with one of our amazing 32 week class today! 

Ready to get started? Reach out today!



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About The Author

Kirsten Krehbiel

Kirsten Krehbiel is an Atlanta based actress, director, and writer who enjoys bringing people new truths through the art of storytelling. She has a love of acting both on camera and on stage, having been lucky enough to be a part of incredible productions in both worlds. Kirsten joined the TAS team in 2020 as a coach, a job she loves because it lets her watch first hand as students grow and gain self confidence as actors. When she is not creating or coaching, you can find Kirsten hanging out with her grumpy cat on their back porch. 

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