Get to know TAS Coach: Leah Merritt

How did you first get into acting?
I caught the “acting bug” through doing a community theatre production of Annie in Collierville, TN.
After moving to the Atlanta area from Memphis, a simple google search for “acting schools” landed me at The Actor’s Scene. From there, I trained and signed with my agent through our Showcase and I am still with her today!

What has been your biggest struggle in the industry?
I’m definitely too hard on myself and have struggled with feeling like I’m behind or doing something wrong. I used to compare myself to other actors and feel like I wasn’t doing “enough.” I would think “Oh, she got more auditions than me this week” or “Dang it, why haven’t I booked x amount of roles yet?” There were several times when this line of thinking would bum me out so much that I felt like quitting the industry entirely.
So, what helped you overcome this negative mindset?
It wasn’t easy. The change came from building my skills, training more, and working on my own self-image outside of acting. I realized I can’t place my worth on how “successful” I am, especially because everyone’s definition of success is different. I started treating every audition as an opportunity to practice my craft, rather than a nerve wracking job interview. And most importantly, I surround myself with an uplifting and encouraging support group that constantly reminds me of how much I have already achieved.
Wow! That is so important for actors to hear. Can you explain more?
Well, it’s no secret that the acting industry alone can breed some pretty unhealthy mindsets- if left unchecked. There’s a lot of rejection, comparison, and pressure to look/be a certain way that can be really hard to manage for adults, let alone young actors. But at the same time, I’m thankful that I dealt with these challenges early in my life, because it forced me to find my worth and happiness outside of achievements. I learned to talk kindly to myself and have a perspective of joy and gratitude, rather than stress and dejection. Once those unhealthy mindsets faded away, I started having a lot more fun! Not only in acting, but in life.
It’s a whole new world when you realize that no one is your competition. We can all be uniquely talented and beautiful and accomplished in whatever way makes US happy!
Also, like I said before, there can be a lot of comparison and competitive natures in this industry. I think the biggest thing that helped me through those mindsets was actually becoming friends with the actors I thought I was competing with. I realized instead of judgement, I found a welcoming community of artists that just want to be able to share our common struggles and accomplishments.
***Apart from actor friends, I’m also grateful to have non-actor friends and family that are super supportive. I found that these people can have unique perspectives that help me in different ways. I might be having a bad day or feeling down about that audition I didn’t book, but my friends just think it’s cool I’m auditioning at all! My close friends and family always remind me to feel proud of where I am right now and appreciate the amazing things I have already accomplished.

I worked with a director once who said she could tell just by how I conducted myself on set that I find pure joy in what I do. Since this is something I’ve worked so hard to achieve (finding joy and not sweating the small stuff) that meant a lot to hear. I want to teach my students to find joy in their own performance, which comes from self-acceptance and confidence that you are where you are meant to be.
-Coach Leah Merrit

Besides acting, do you pursue any other interests in the entertainment industry?
Funny you should ask! I used to say I’m a “one trick pony” and only focused on acting. However, I’m lucky enough to have a fiance that is also in the film industry. Last year, we worked with other TAS actors to write, produce, direct, and perform in our very own short film called “The Interrogation”. It was such a rewarding experience to have that much creative control and follow a project from start to finish. In fact, we enjoyed it so much that we are creating a brand new TAS class all about giving actors hands-on experience behind the camera! It will be called “The On-Set Experience.” Look out for it in our 2023-2024 class year!
Why did you get into coaching?
I took a class in college about the Meisner acting technique. Throughout this class, I was stretched to new limits and learned a lot about myself as a performer. I also had a breakthrough in this class, which was that acting is a craft that must be constantly practiced and fine tuned.
I loved how my professor taught with this philosophy in mind, and it shifted my entire perspective of actors and the work that we do. From that moment on, I wanted to help other actors make these huge discoveries and find joy in their own craft.
What is one important bit of advice you always give the students in your class?
I always encourage my students to make big, bold choices in their auditions. Not only does this make your audition more fun, it also helps you stand out to casting directors and show them your unique take on the character.
What is your proudest coaching moment?
I feel the proudest when I am helping a student come out of their shell. As I’ve struggled with and learned throughout my own career, the biggest thing that holds us back is a lack of confidence in ourselves. When I can finally have a breakthrough with a student and they start being unapologetically themselves, that’s when the real magic happens.

What do you hope that your legacy will be as an acting coach?
I worked with a director once who said she could tell just by how I conducted myself on set that I find pure joy in what I do. Since this is something I’ve worked so hard to achieve (finding joy and not sweating the small stuff) that meant a lot to hear. I want to teach my students to find joy in their own performance, which comes from self-acceptance and confidence that you are where you are meant to be. I hope my legacy is that I bring joy to every classroom/set/conversation that I’m a part of!
Leah Merritt Bio:
Leah is a TAS alum turned coach! Ever since beginning her career at 15, some of her favorite roles have been in Holy Irresistible (pending distribution), Netflix’s Insatiable, and Lifetime Movie Network’s Friendship Never Dies. Leah graduated from the University of Georgia with a BA in Theatre and has been coaching and working the front desk of The Actor’s Scene since fall of 2020. She is passionate about the Atlanta film community and strives to show the world how amazing our Georgia actors are!
Would you like to take classes or private lessons with Coach Leah?
Coach Leah is getting ready to launch our new class, The On-Set Exprerience. For more information on our classes, click HERE. You can also call our Front Desk and request Leah’s current roster at 770-904-6646.
To sign up for a private lesson with Coach Leah, click HERE.

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