Student Highlight: Jordyn McIntosh
Get to know TAS student, Jordyn McIntosh, and hear about her recent success!
Periodically The Actor’s Scene likes to reach out to students and chronicle their success in the industry. Case and point: Jordyn McIntosh. Here’s what Jordyn has to say…

Hey Jordyn! We are so excited to speak with you! Let's start at the beginning, tell us what made you want to become an actress.
I was getting into trouble at school with not being able to stay focused in class and being a distraction to others. One of my teachers suggested that I channel that energy into something like theater/acting as it would give me the opportunity to settle myself and refocus my thoughts. I took up some workshops and short classes at a local theater and fell in love.
What drives you to stick with acting?
I get to meet new people (some cool famous ones too!), have fun while on set, and I also get to try new things. I enjoy getting the chance to play different roles and use my improv skills learned at TAS when the camera is rolling.

Jordyn playing the role of Maya in ‘The Storied Life of AJ Fikry’.
What is something that surprised you about working on a set?
I was surprised at how big the inside of the sound stages are. And how much detail goes into building/making it look so realistic. It made me feel like I was really in that scene.
What are some of your favorite acting moments?
In my new series, while shooting the Pilot, I was supposed to act frustrated. While I was doing that, one of my earrings fell out and it was hilarious. I was throwing up and my hands and knocked it out of my ear.
That is too funny! How did you get back into character after something silly happened on set?
I calmed down by breathing, closing my eyes and bringing back my character to the set.

"I had the chance to work with the lead actress in my new series (can’t wait to share!), and we shared a scene together that the director wanted to see me acting sad. She whispered to me to "close my eyes and to make yourself feel like you are sinking into the seat. Allow the weight to make your face feel heavy/gloomy, like quicksand."
Jordyn McIntosh, on the best acting advice she ever received.

Tell us Jordyn, what makes you feel confident?
When I am done practicing my lines, I anticipate the feedback and any notes provided to help me get better. I am always proud of my delivery but the notes help me improve and I feel so confident that the scene is better.
That is awesome, Jordyn! What is one of the most helpful notes you have received from a director, coach, or casting director that has stuck with you?
In my new series coming out, I had a scene with the lead character that need to be more sad. She told me to close my eyes and allow myself to fell heavy. To imagine something weighing me down. Allow my eyes to feel heavy. And when I opened my eyes, it transformed that scene.
Do you have any acting projects coming up?
Emancipation starring Will Smith has been postponed to 2023. The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry film starring Kunal Nayyar and Lucy Hale due to release in fall of 2022. New Hulu series due to release in fall of 2022, more details to come!

Jordyn playing the role of young Sasha Obama in ‘The First Lady’.
What would be your dream project?
I would love to be a part of a Harry Potter remake or get the chance to work Emma Watson on any project would just be awesome!
Of all the cool elements of Harry Potter, what would be your favorite part of going to Hogwarts if you could go in real life?
I would love to actually play Quidditch. I would be able to fly a broom and catch the golden snitch. It looks so fun in the movies, like, why not!?

We are very honored to hear from Jordyn's parents, Kyle and Ashley McIntosh! They have some great advice for the parents of child actors, and we are thankful for their insight. Read on to hear what they have to say.

Hey Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh! Thank you for taking the time to speak to us! What advice do you have for parents of new young actors just getting started?
DO YOUR HOMEWORK. I cannot stress enough the importance of doing your research on any CD, Director, production, acronym, acting jargon, event, acting school/classes or manager. There is so much information out there that simply is not written in a “How-To” book for parents with young actors. Follow various CD’s/production company’s/acting tip pages on social media to have unlimited access to resources and build your network.
Is there any system that you have found to be especially helpful?
We learned early on to not compare success of other actors to Jordyn’s…it will absolutely stress you out wondering if your kid is doing well compared to others. What is for her is for her, and it will come when it comes. Patience has rewarded Jordyn with really cool opportunities.
I'm sure that that's easier said than done! What tips do you have for other parents looking to avoid the comparison game in the industry?
We have quickly learned (and listened) that selection for roles is based on so many variable factors that you simply cannot isolate to just one. Someone could have the look, skill, availability, geographic location, agent, etc. You simply cannot stress the unknowns. Continue to train, continue to learn, and knock out every audition with intention!
Tell us what makes it all worth it? Why do you keep going, even when things get hard?
It’s one of the most satisfying things to get that “You booked it!” email from your agent/manager and to see your child’s reaction to their hard work paying off. It is just as rewarding when you can tell they are on set having the times of their lives enjoying their moments and feeling a sense of accomplishment when they deliver their lines beautifully.

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