for the worker

The Taped Audition

This class trains working actors to produce standout audition tapes through mock auditions and one-on-one feedback

Are you interested in signing up for The Taped Audition class at The Actor’s Scene? Check out this video with Office Manager (and Coach!) Leah Merritt as she breaks down the Working Actor: Taped Audition to see if it is right for you. 

About the Class

The Taped Audition

Ages 9 to adult

The Taped Audition is a MUST class for any actor based in the Southeast, as 95% of all auditions are completed by tape. The taped audition has become a special skill that is VITAL for every southeast-based actor to master.

This eight-month series focuses on all the details actors have to achieve to present an impressive taped audition. If your tape isn’t professional – in video quality AND acting quality, your audition will likely not move forward. Don’t let that happen to you.

After the first month, actors will tape every week in class. Each month, a new concept will be introduced and practiced so the actor can master the art of the taped audition.

Small class sizes mean that each student gets maximum individual attention. Students can expect regular feedback and personalized quarterly assessments from the course instructor. 

Each year will end with our annual Showcase, where students can test their taped audition skills in a real setting, and have the opportunity to be viewed by the industry’s top VIP’s! 

The Taped Audition JR

For ages 5-8 years old

The Taped Audition JR course at The Actor’s Scene is a perfect fit for actors who have completed the On Camera Foundations course but are still too young to participate in our Working Actor programs, which are for ages nine and up. Taped Audiiton JR builds on the skills learned in On Camera Foundations and introduces new concepts that work with young minds to expand acting and industry knowledge at a measured pace. 

The concepts covered in this course include:

– Focus
– Eyelines
– Two-Takes
– Moment Before and Moment After
– Interview Technique

This program is specifically designed to prepare young actors to enter our main Working Actor program at age nine.

Once a student is old enough to enroll in a Working course (either Taped Audition or Script & Set Study), it will be recommended that they take the course as it is much more in depth and is a challenge specifically for older actors.

The Taped Audition Tuition Prices

Taped Audition JR
Ages 4-8

Prices Starting At...

Click Here For Tuition Information

Ages 9-Adult

Prices Starting At...

Click Here For Tuition Information

Try It Out For FREE

Or call today to schedule your FREE class audit.


Check Us Out!

Come to our Open House on July 28th, 2024! 

Take a tour of the studio, meet with the team, check out our programs, and even take a free improv class! 

Drop in any time from 10am-3pm- and click the link to see class times (space is limited).

Have Questions?

We’re always available to clear things up or even just to have a chat.